Title: Candy Coated Drugs- Part VI Through his eyes
schizoiori) wrote in
Pairing: Itachi/Naruto
Fandom: Naruto
Disclaimer: *is not Kishimoto therefore does not own*
30 kisses theme #1- Look over here
Candy Coated Drugs
Part VI
Through his eyes
At the expense of feeling like a prepubescent girl on the verge of a crush,
Itachi quashed any of the sudden desires to snatch and cuddle Naruto's hand
while they were walking through the streets. He almost, but not quite, was loathed
to admit that the young blonde had somehow gotten under his skin and into his
heart. There was just something so captivating about his innocence. Naruto, as he
had noticed, had become accustomed to walking close to him. It was as if they
were a normal pair on a vacation of sorts. Everything caught the blonde's eye and
he'd find interest in it. Itachi doubted that Naruto had been even allowed the
chance to take a vacation. Itachi would've loved to let him inspect everything to
quell his curiousity of the things he'd never experienced, but since he was out of
comission for a day from chakra loss he knew the Konoha hunter nin would be
that much closer. He settled for grabbing the blonde's arm and ushering him into
an alleyway and pressing him close to the wall.
"We have persuers." Itachi frowned at the next thing he was about to do,
but the words came out anyway, "You can chose to go if you'd like, but akatsuki
will come back and get you again."
Naruto looked up at Itachi surprised that he was being given a choice. In
all honesty he was enjoying his time with the Uchiha and was not ready to go
back to being made fun of. He missed Konoha and Iruka-sensei, and the recent
friends he'd made, but that didn't always alleviate the pain of loneliness.
"What does is matter? I'll be the one that gets punished."
When he bowed his head in submission Itachi hefted him up and bolted
out of the alley. Wind whipped past Naruto's face as Itachi ran down the streets.
He didn't stop until they were out of the village and in the adjoining forest.
"We can't stay in the towns anymore. We're leaving a trail."
Itachi finally let Naruto down and started a slower walking pace. He knew
that they'd have to be quiet and not draw attention toward the forest to keep the
hunter nin from following. He took soft careful steps avoiding stray branches dried
"Watch where you step. They may not have been through here, but I
don't want to trigger any traps."
Naruto followed quickly and quietly making sure to be extra careful with
his footing, which was never really something he thought of before. Every now and
then Itachi would turn just to make sure that he was still following. Closer toward
the lake the pair stopped briefly. Naruto looked up toward the sky as the sun was
setting and noticed the beautiful view from his vantage point next to the water.
Hues of warm pinks and fiery oranges blended with the cool reflective surface of
the water. Itachi gazed at him as the golden tint of the dusk sky made Naruto's
softly tan skin glow gold. Itachi drank in the sight of the boy worshipping the
"Naa naa.. Itachi-san! Look at the sky! It looks like it's on fire!" His arms
streched wide and his back arched slightly, Naruto looked as if he was going to
embrace the sky. " I feel moved..." He whispered slightly.
Naruto's innocence, his fascination with the simple things in life, touched
Itachi. He had never known one to have so much appreciation for the things in life
that were not of material worth, nor of status. The power Naruto desired was to
protect the village of people who hated him. Itachi could not understand how he
could be so open-hearted. He watched as Naruto wandered out onto the lake
using chakra control to run across the surface.
"Look look! The sun bows before me, the future Hokage of Konoha!"
He stood proud as then sun slowly completed it's daily cycle of dipping
below the horizon before night fell. Once it set, his smile fell and he slumped down
walking back to the shore. Itachi watched as the dejected boy walked back over to
him. His hand fell onto Naruto's shoulder make him stop. His eyes narrowed as
Naruto stared at the ground. His free hand cupped the blonde's chin and forced
him to look up.
"Who cares what the world thinks when the sun worships you...."
He leaned down and kissed Naruto's forehead then in an uncharacteristic
move he slid his hand down the shoulder he'd been holding and knelt bringing
Naruto's wrist to his lips.
"....and the moon too...."
itanaru and