Title: Red Author: raikochan Pairing: Akira/Hikaru Fandom: Hikaru no Go Theme: #19 - Red Disclaimer: Hikaru no Go copyright Hotta Yumi, Obata Takeshi, and Shueisha
Eee! First comment! *clingu* It was really gorgeous~ I really liked how you used the color to your advantage-- the way you wrote it really gave off a bunch of feeling. <3
IT WAS RALLY NEAT! *gives up being sane and fangirls* Woo! *stalks your posts on 30_kisses* Haha, I love this pairing~~
That was really beautiful. I couldn't really know the feeling because I hardly remember leaves changing colors. >.>;; This year they had planted tree that had leaves that changed color... but it wasn't in fall. It was in winter, oddly enough. Silly arizona heat, messing with the leaves minds(if they had minds). But I do remember when I used to live in Ohio. <3 It was just a very long time ago. But it was always fun to play in the piles of leaves... *continues reminiscing*
Thanks. Although we tend to be green all year round where I live, there's still a pretty distinct fall (while snow doesn't last for more than a week or two) so I thought about that when I wrote it ^.^
1. Yes, you are a writer. You just don't know it yet. Because this hurts. Just a little, panging kind of hurt, but one that fits exactly with the story. I love the imagery and the tone.
Comments 20
IT WAS RALLY NEAT! *gives up being sane and fangirls* Woo! *stalks your posts on 30_kisses* Haha, I love this pairing~~
2. That said, write more? Please?
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