Jul 30, 2007 14:24
Title: Why Am I Not Invincible?
Author: M14Mouse
Fandom: Power Rangers
Pairing: Chip Thorn/Vida Rocca
Rating: T
Theme: #16. Invincible
Disclaimer: Don't own them...how sad.
Summary: Vida recovers from her hangover. Sequel to Ten Bottles of Beer on The Wall
When Vida Rocca is drunk, she felt free…invincible. She felt that she could take on the world. She could sing until her heart gave out. She fought someone until her body could take no more. She could have sex until she forgot whatever she is upset about. The next day, she would wake up in some man’s bed or inside of her jeep. Last night, that didn’t happen. She couldn’t sing until her heart gave out. She didn’t pick a fight with anyone. She didn’t have sex with some random stranger.
One thing she did do was get drunk out of her mind. Now, that she thought about it. She did it quite well. But she couldn’t get the image out of her head. It was that girl. That person was hanging around what was hers. Funny thing is that she didn’t care before. In back of her mind, she wondered what changed. Maybe, it is because her sister is getting married. Or it is because that many of her friends are surrounded by children and husbands? Or it is because that she stood on the sidelines and watched her parents dance at their 35 anniversary party?
Maybe, she wanted to feel what they had. It is a type of love that she hasn’t been able to feel. No other guy in her life could make feel even close to that was Chip. When he smiled, her world seemed to be a little bit brighter. When he hugged her, she felt safe and comfortable. When he cracked a joke, she could the stress release with her laughter. Chip could make her feel…invincible even when she wasn’t.
She nearly burst in angry when that girl started to hug and touch him. He was hers, damn. A second later, she knew that wasn’t true. He would never been hers. Those led her to some depressing thoughts and desire to drink as much alcohol as she could. The bartender must have called Chip…because she sure didn’t pick up the phone. Chip being the knight that he is. He showed up to take her home.
She didn’t remember much after that…Perhaps, if she goes back to sleep. She could remember more.
Yes, that is a good idea, V. She closed her eyes and drift off to sleep.
When she woke up again, she felt that she was somewhere soft and comfortable. The room was almost complete dark. She knew this room wasn’t hers at all. It only took her brain a few seconds to figure out whom room this was. It was Chip’s room. She shouldn’t be surprise. He would never drop her at her apartment the state that she was in. Slowly, she tried to get up from the bed. Her head started to spin.
“Uhh…” She said.
“Lie back down, V.” Chip’s voice echoed from the bathroom.
“But…uhh…” She said. She didn’t think she could fight it. She lie her head back down on the pillow. He came out from the bathroom with a glass of water and a bottle.
“Here…Take this. It is some Tylenol and water. The cure all for hangovers…well, that is according to Xander.” He said as he handed her a glass of water. She took into the glass into her hand. She watched him opened the bottle and drops two Tylenol into her hand.
“Don’t tell me that you called Xander?” She groaned softly as she took the Tylenol.
“Oh no. I remembered from last time.” He said
“You helped Xander…when he was drunk!” She said in surprise.
“Oh, yes. The girl left him at the bar. He called me and I drove him home. He slept most of it off and tried to dance on my car…which doesn’t surprise me at all.” He said with amusement.
“I didn’t do anything stupid while I was drunk…did I?” She said as she laughed.
“You sing an off key version of how many bottles of beer on the wall…and miss a few bottles as well.” He said with a grin.
“Ugh…I am sorry. How are your ears?” She said as she smiled back. She could breathe now. She didn’t do anything stupid.
“They are fine. Now, you go back to sleep and I will be righ...” He said.
“No..please…Just stay and keep me company, okay?” She said as she patted the spot next to her.
“Okay...” He said as he took a seat next to her on the bed.
“Thank you…so…who was that bimbo hanging all over you yesterday?” She asked.
“It is my cousin Leona.” He said with a grin.
“Blah…you two were probably kissing cousins.” She said as she teased.
“Ewww…yucky, Vida!” He said as he made a face. She burst out laugh and she held her head at the sudden pain.
“Vida…no more laughing until your headache goes away.” He said.
“Thank you, Doctor Chip.” She said with a grin.
“You are welcome, Patient Vida.” He said. She bit her lip trying not to laugh again.
“Turn on a movie.” She said.
“Which movie?” He said.
“I don’t care…Put it on HBO.” She said with a shrug.
“Okay…” He said as he turned on the television and turned repeat of Sopranos. She sighed as she laid her head on his shoulder. She could feel his hand around her. She sighs in comfort. This is what her headache needed. She could feel herself going back to sleep. Something was nagging her in the back of her head. There was something that she should know about.
Then it hit her like a ton of bricks. Oh, shit…she kissed him. It wasn’t the kiss on the cheek either. It was a full blow kiss. Damn…she didn’t know he could kiss like that! Oh…shit! She told him that! She is so screwed.
“V…is there something wrong?” He said as he turned toward her.
“Damn it…I kissed you. You didn’t say a thing about it.” She said angrily.
“V….you were drunk and I am not sure you remembered. I didn’t hold Xander at fault for dancing on my car. I won’t hold you at fault for kissing me.” He said softly. She could his arm moved away from her. She grabbed his shirt and refused to let him go. He seemed to blink in surprise.
“I am so glad that I did remember, Chip. I have been waiting for awhile to do that. No, I was too much of a coward. I was afraid of losing my best friend. From what I saw yesterday, I am going to lose you to someone if I don’t say anything. Guess what? I am speaking out now. I am telling you that you are mine. At least, that I want you to be mine.” She said angrily then she looked down.
“V..y…” He was about to say before she cut him off with a kiss. Words were only going to get into the way. She wanted to know how he truly. He didn’t fight her as he wrapped his arm around her. She felt the wonderful sensations of his lips and tongue against hers. She pulled his body closer to hers. She wanted to have him so badly. She broke her head away when a throbbing pain shot up to her temple.
“Ouch…” She said as she held her head again.
“Lie back down, V.” He said softly as he lie her back down on the bed.
“I want you…” She said.
“V…I am not going anywhere. After your hangover, we talk.” He said as he stroked her cheek gently.
“Fine…you win. But could you just hold me? She said softly.
“That…I can do.” He said. He wrapped his arms around her then slowly, they fell back into bed. She snuggled into his arms.
She wasn’t pay attention to the television anymore. Her thoughts began to drift away.
When she is drunk, she felt invincible.
She realized now…that was only temporary high.
Right now…in his arms, she felt truly invincible.
The End.