Title: L'amour, Toujours L'amour
Author: Belladonna
Pairing: Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter
Fandom: Harry Potter
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Theme: #11. gardenia
Disclaimer: The delightful world of Harry Potter and its characters are not mine, and will never be mine (sigh).
Summary: Post-Hogwarts. As the final hours of the war approaches, Harry and Draco recalls the almost-romance they once shared back in the days when the world did not seem so bleak.
A/N: It's been awhile. It's awfully early for a Valentine Day's fic, but since I'll be busy dealing with the sequel of When the Black Veil Flutters, I might not have time to write another Valentine fic. Then again, you never know. And one last thing, the italic parts in this fic are flashback scenes.
L'amour, Toujours L'amour