Title: Well Trained
kimuracarterPairing: Kevin Richardson/Nick Carter
Fandom: Backstreet Boys
Theme: #23 candy
Genre: Slash
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't know the Backstreet Boys; these events never happened. This is a work of complete fiction.
A/N: From Kevin's POV. Duh.
Well Trained
by Kimura
I can remember the first time I ever saw Nick on a sugar rush. He was so small and thin back then. The lollipops and pixi stiks he and Brian had consumed traveled through his system like lightning. The two of them would bounce off the walls of our cramped tour bus.
They'd take turns waking Howie and wrestling AJ. I'd shoo them away when they tried to bother our beleaguered bus driver. After all, someone had to be the responsible one.
Even though they were a handful, it was hard to resist the way Nick's eyes would light up when he got his hands on a tootsie pop. I never really understood why I found it so fascinating to watch him eagerly suck the treat until he got to the sweet center.
I learned better, however, when those expertly-trained lips encircled my cock and brought me to a shuddering climax. I'm sure my seed wasn't quite as sweet as the center of a tootsie pop, but Nick lapped it up with the same eagerness he showed then.
As he smiled up at me, I leaned down and kissed his lips softly. "Thanks, Nicky. Now ... may I find out how sweet you taste?"