Apr 22, 2006 23:40
Title: “Naught But a Dream”
Author: Wish Wielder
Pairing: Arc/Yucie
Fandom: Puchi Puri Yucie
Theme: #6 (the space between dream and reality)
Disclaimer: “Puchi Puri Yucie” and all respective properties are © Masahiko Otsuka. Meg D. (Wish Wielder) does not, has never, nor will ever own “Puchi Puri Yucie.”
“Naught But a Dream”
Looking back on it now, her whole life seemed like some kind of wacky dream. After all, who had ever heard of a seventeen-year-old trapped in a ten-year-old’s body, or a magical tiara that could grant any wish? Granted, she was aware of magic, and things like that could be possible with a little magical aid, but it just wasn’t that common. How often did you hear someone talk about their daughter who never grew?
The hard thing for Yucie, though, was deciding what part had been the dream. Up until her tenth birthday, she had been perfectly normal. She grew like everyone else, and for the most part she lived like everyone else. Sure, having a war hero for a dad had its perks, but for the most part she was normal. After that, there were only two options for the dream: was her dream the part of her life where she never grew, or was it the part of her life where she looked her rightful age and had a prince for a suitor?
It was easy to think that the first option was the answer. It did seem life a dream, after all. Spending seven years without growing a single inch, being ridiculed by her peers, having so few friends, hardly traveling into town, dreading her birthday…yes, maybe it had been a dream. There was still a part of her, though, that jabbed her for thinking that: was it really a dream, or was it she just wished it had been? That had been the worst part of her life, being so small. She watched as she went through life, hardly being able to do anything; that was why she had wanted to grow so badly. She had wanted to help the people she cared about. She smiled slightly at that; she had wanted to thank the prince, too, and how could she ever hope to thank him as she was?
And yet, that was the part that truly seemed like a dream. Being chosen as the Platina Princess, saving the life of her prince with a single wish, finding out her prince loved her as much as she loved him…it was definitely the kind of thing you would expect to find in a dream. She didn’t even look like a princess, and she certainly didn’t act like one! Regardless of that, the Eternal Tiara had still chosen her. Of course, it hadn’t had much of a choice; in the end, her friends had withdrawn their candidacy, making her the only valid Puchi Puri. Still, the Tiara could have rejected her, but it hadn’t. And with that one wish she received as the Platina Princess, she had saved a life. Because there was no longer any reason for her to remain in a ten-year-old’s body, she had resumed growing. She was almost at her proper height now. Even better, her prince had begun courting her. When she thought about it now it wasn’t really surprising, but at the time she had been shocked. Yes, he had kissed her that one time, and he had promised to wait for her, but that was just him. He joked around like that. Yet he had been serious, and before she had even thanked him - before she had reached her full height - he had asked if he could approach her father about courtship.
So really, which part of her life was the dream, and which part was the reality? Somehow, she didn’t see both being real. She still expected to wake up one morning and find herself still trapped in that small body, or find that she had never been cursed at all.
She looked down at her lap, where Arc’s head was resting peacefully. He was lost in a deep sleep, a tranquil smile splayed across his face. She smiled and brushed a hand through his hair, leaning down to kiss the side of his head.
She didn’t know what was dream and what was reality, or if there even such a thing as either, but for now she was with Arc, and she was happy, and that was all that really mattered. That was all that ever really mattered.