Title: Bewitched (1/2)
Author: Krys Yuy
Themes: #66 (next door; neighboring; nearby)
Summary: AU. Due to a chance encounter, Usagi is drawn to the mystery surrounding the anti-social twins at her new school. But the strength of her attachment is the last thing anyone expects.
Pairing/Characters: Usagi/? Hitachiin (Ouran Koukou Host Club)
Warning: Spoilers for Ouran if you haven’t seen it, especially with the twins.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters used. This fic is purely for entertainment purposes only.
Author’s Notes: Designed as a two-shot. Alternate Universe because there are no youma, no sailor soldiers, etc. This story jumps from scene to scene intentionally - some of the jumps aren’t as smooth as others, I suppose. Usagi’s background is left deliberately murky in this part (only allusions are made). Hope you enjoy the story. Please read and review. Thank you.
...chasing away the reasons for why she bothered to care at all. )
Fake-cut leads to my LJ.