Thanatos (Final Fantasy VI, Kefka, #15)

Mar 29, 2007 18:34

Title: Thanatos
Author: shaded_mazoku
Fandom: Final Fantasy VI.
Subject: Kefka.
Theme: #15) Doom; Curse; Death.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine at all. They’re Squeenix’. I just borrow them.

Few men are ever given the opportunity to actually kill someone and watch them die. Most people will never even have to contemplate such a thing. And most people thank their lucky stars for that fact.

Kefka has watched people die countless times. First as a child, watching his grandfather succumb to a mysterious illness. He vaguely remembers being strangely unaffected. In later years, he has killed, and he has watched the victims die, the same unaffected detachment playing in his mind. It's that he doesn't feel any emotion as they die; he finds their last desperate moments horribly amusing, and it never fails to bring a too wide smile to his painted lips.

He just lacks any feeling of grief or distress at the sight of death, any true sympathetic emotion. Death, to him, is a mere toy at his disposal, something to make him smile in amusement for a short while, until something more interesting comes along.

He toys with the idea of killing Terra. He has seen humans die often, and he has seen Espers die, but never a halfbreed. He wonders if she'd leave a corpse behind, or a piece of Magicite. She'd make an awfully pretty corpse. Even alive, she's all pale and ethereal, dead eyes revealing nothing about her state of mind. Not that she has a state of mind while wearing the Slave Crown. It was made to remove all such things from her pretty little head. No pesky free will for his toys.

But Terra still has her uses. Kefka freely admits that.

He'd like to kill Leo, too. Mainly just because he wants to see if the other man would remain his honourable, righteous self until his last breath. He doesn't think he could strangle Leo like he could Terra, unlike Terra, Leo has free will and he's a lot stronger than the half-Esper. Stronger than Kefka, too, though Kefka is much faster.

He'd have to get creative with killing Leo. There are so many ways to make up for lack of physical strength, and assassination is brimmed with those. Not that Kefka wishes to assassinate Leo. If he does decide to kill Leo, he wants the other man to know who killed him. It will make his death so much more delicious.

Actually, Kefka rather wants to kill Gestahl, too. The fact that the man his his superior annoys Kefka greatly, especially knowing that the only reason why Gestahl is the emperor is because the Magitek army made him one. And nobody is a better example of the Magitek power than Kefka is. So it seems quite logical to him that he is more deserving of that power than Gestahl has ever been.

But for now, they are all needed. All good little pawns on the board that holds Kefka's plans. Soon, though, they'll all have outlived their use. And when they have, Kefka will gleefully usher them into the realm of the dead. Their existence will be some of the first to go once he has achieved the power that is rightfully his.

final fantasy vi: kefka

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