Socio: Eyes (Detective Conan, Gin, #29)

Feb 15, 2008 20:57

Title: Socio: Eyes
Author: Candyland
Fandom: Detective Conan
Bad Guy: Gin
Theme: #29-immortal
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Own Detective Conan, I do not. Own the characters, Gosho Aoyama does. Making money off them, I am not. Borrow and write about them, I merely do. Talk like Yoda, I must.
Summary: He knows that he has made an eternal mark.

He likes to see their eyes.

There is something desperately satisfying about seeing the horror of dawning comprehension as they realize exactly what is to befall them. Their eyes widen, knowing they have nowhere to run, no place to hide, no hope for salvation except perhaps that death will be quick.

Sometimes they beg. That amuses him. They pretend to be respectable people, yet they break so easily and reduce themselves to groveling and occasionally weeping as they plead for something that he personally puts no value on.

He kills them mercilessly, heedless of their pleas.

When they fall, their eyes are usually open, staring though they no longer see. And he likes that-he can see that last horrified sight burned into their pupils.

His own image.

And then he forgets them. He does not like to remember the names and faces of those he has killed.

But he knows that he has made an eternal mark, even though no one else will notice it. He is emblazoned in his victims’ terrified eyes, and thus he is immortal.

PS. Very short, following two sociopathic themes: “authoritarian” and “goal of enslavement or the creation of a willing victim.” Thanks for reading, all! Much love!


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