Cooking With Dean (Supernatural General Series #30-distraction)

Jan 01, 2011 02:24

Title: Cooking With Dean
Author/Artist: my_sam_dean
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Fandom: Supernatural
Theme: 30 - distraction
Disclaimer: I own nothing Supernatural.
Warnings: slash, incest

Dean cooked up a storm while Sam was gone at his job at the court house. The garage had closed early with it being Christmas Eve and all. He had a cookbook open the he counter and have flour fingerprints all over the pages of the dishes he was making. He itched his forehead absentmindedly, leaving a flour mixture behind.

All the burners on the stovetop were on and occupied. He stirred one pot after the other, trying not to let anything burn. The timer went off and he put on the oven mitts before checking the pies. His mind wandered to the boiling potatoes that he needed to check on. Without thought about where his hands currently were, he reached for the cover and burned his forearm on the top of the inside of the oven.

“Shit!” He jumped back, threw the potholders on the ground in disgust, and ran cool water over his new burns. He watched the pots and pans cooking away while he was chained to the faucet. He could flick open his Zippo and never have a problem. Flames were his friends, given all the salt and burns he’d done over his life.

“Something smells good,” Sam remarked as he walked over to the rattling kitchenware on the burners. “Hmm, this looks delicious.” He turned around when Dean didn’t reply. “What happened to you?”

“Oven attack,” Dean deadpanned.

Sam sighed, “You refused to wear the mitts, didn’t you?”

“I wore those damn girly things. The stove still bit me.”

Trying his best to hide a smile at Dean’s choice of words, he gently moved Dean’s arms from the flow of water.

“I’ll go get the bandages.”

Sam was almost out of the room when said called out, “Can you check the potatoes first and stir the stuffing? I don’t want to wreck my surprise just because I’m a klutz.”

After tending to the food, Sam returned with ointment and clean bandages. With light fingers, he applied the medication and wrapped Dean’s arms loose enough to allow for airflow and tight enough to stay put.

“You made a wonderful Christmas dinner, Dean. Thank you.”

“There are even pies in the oven. That’s what put the bow on the night for me.”

Sam chuckled,” Sit down. I’ll dish up our plates.”

Dean grumbled as he allowed Sam to baby him. The younger brother kissed the top of Dean’s head on his way past.

Dean scoffed and jerked away.

Sam swallowed his laughter while Dean played the dejected mummy at the kitchen table.

29 30, distraction

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