Title: Mr. Yverro's Wild Ride
firewolfs_fics (my fic journal)
Pairing: Reno/Kerri
Fandom: Final Fantasy
Theme: #09. Car Wreck
Disclaimer: SquareEnix owns all recognizable characters. Kerri is an OFC.
Warnings: Language
“What the fuck were you thinking, Reno?” Kerri yelled as soon as she came through the door to his hospital room.
“And there's my sweet, nurturing angel,” Reno said to the nurse, who tried to smother a smile as she left the room. “It's not that bad, babe,” he said, turning to Kerri. “Just a broken ankle and sprained wrist, yo. I've had worse.”
“I should break your other ankle,” Kerri said, “and Cloud's. Why did he ever agree to let you ride his bike?”
“I got him drunk,” Reno admitted. At the look on her face he hastened to add, “I wasn't drunk, babe. The day I can't drink Strife under the table is the day I go on the wagon.”
“You are such an idiot,” she snarled, but Reno grinned as she started checking his various cuts and bruises. He knew she was only angry because she had been scared for him. Cloud had called her, and all he told her was that Reno had wrecked Fenrir and was being taken to the hospital. Of course she was frightened.
“I'll be fine, Kerri,” he assured her. “I'm sorry I scared you, yo.”
“Yeah, right,” Kerri replied, but Reno could tell by her tone that she was slightly mollified. “What in the hell gets into you, hon?”
“Dunno, babe. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Stop fussing, yo, I'm fine.” He reached for her hand that was busy examining his head for bumps. “Now if you really wanna check something for injuries...” Reno glanced downward for a second before looking back at her with a seductive expression.
Kerri snatched her hand from his grasp. “Oh, honestly, Reno!” she snapped. “You're thinking about sex at a time like this?”
“Well...” he hesitated. “I actually hit my balls pretty hard on the fender when the bike flipped up. The doc says they're fine, but they really hurt, yo.” Kerri's expression grew more concerned, and Reno bit back a chuckle when she jerked the sheet back to check for herself.