Title: Bite Me
firewolfs_fics (my fic journal)
Pairing: Reno/Anonomous
Fandom: Final Fantasy
Theme: #29. Bite
Disclaimer: SquareEnix owns all recognizable characters. Kerri is an OFC.
A.N. Kerri doesn't happen to be in this one, but she will appear in most of the rest.
Warnings: NC-17 for sexual situations and language
Reno had been with some strange women in his lifetime before meeting Kerri.
“Bite me,” the woman underneath him moaned.
Reno's thrusts into her body stopped. “What?” he asked in confusion.
“Bite me,” she repeated. “Use your teeth, mark me, please.”
Reno shrugged, resuming his movements, and biting down firmly on the woman's shoulder. “Harder,” she whispered. He tried, but after a few minutes she pushed him away. “What the hell is this? You're not even breaking the skin!”
“I don't want to break the skin,” he answered.
She pushed him off of her and got out of bed, angrily putting her clothes back on. “You're a Turk. I thought you'd be into this sort of thing. You're telling me that you're able to torture and kill people, but you can't give me this?”
He shook his head, pushing his messy hair out of his eyes. “Look, babe, you got me all wrong. My job has nothing to do with the way I fuck, yo. You want somebody to hurt you, I suggest you look elsewhere. I like to make the women I fuck feel good, not make them bleed.”
The girl stormed out of the hotel room without a further word. Left alone, Reno shook his head and began pulling on his own clothes. At least the night was still young; maybe he could hook up with someone a little more compatible with him.