30_cracks: 1. transform
Fandom: xxxHOLiC
Title: Wasting Away
Author: rhap_chan
Theme(s): 1. transform (~change over)
Pairing/Characters: Clow Reed/Yuuko Ichihara
Rating: G
Disclaimer: xxxHOLiC and Cardcaptor Sakura belong to CLAMP. All fanfiction archived here is a derivative of canon material that is not my property. I do not profit from these writings. The opinions and actions expressed in these stories are not necessarily the views and beliefs of the original author or me.
Excerpt: Whatever he did when he worked, whatever transformed him from a grinning idiot to a brilliant schemer , it took too much from him.
Clow was a different man when he was working, possessed with a spirit of determination. It was a wonder, Yuuko thought, staring at the man standing in her doorway, that he'd never broken down before. Whatever he did when he worked, whatever transformed him from a grinning idiot to a brilliant schemer (the line between was as thin and sharp as glass), it took too much from him.
"I'm going to die," he said, coughing, and she thought he was being a fool again, a baby who couldn't take care of himself. She told him so as she searched through the cupboards for a rag to wipe his brow. Clow smiled and agreed.
She didn't realize how much the grinning idiot face was a farce (she didn't want to realize, she was happy). He traded it away for the strength of Doctor Hyde, and it was as this monster that he died.
But that was later, much later. He smiled at her when she brought the rag.