Fandom: X-Men
Title: Eat It
Author/Artist: malen_leptir
Theme(s): 10 Eat up or shut up
Pairing/Characters: Kitty and Bobby
Rating: PG
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed): They are not mine. They belong to Marvel.
Summary (if needed):
Bobby sniffed the air as he walked in the kitchen and almost died or something already did. He covered his mouth with his hand, trying not to gag. Did she really have to try to cook for him? I mean, really.
He wished he had grabbed a bite to ear while he had been out with Scott and Hank. He smiled nervously as she turned from the stove, having heard him come in the room.
"Hi, sweetie. I cooked your favorite dish." Kitty said with a smile. She wore an apron which was covered with some kind of sauce and did she have flour on her nose? He groaned inwardly. He was too young and cool to die. He chuckled to himself.
"Yeah? Lasagna?" He asked, trying to sound hopeful.
"Yes, lasagna. Are you feeling okay?" She asked suddenly concerned, noticing that he turned white.
"Y-y-yeah, I'm okay." He muttered, wishing he could disappear. "So is it done? It smells delicious."
"Yup, it's done." She reached a hand out to stroke his face, still smiling.
"Well, that's good." He smiled back, his stomach feeling queasy as she took the pan out of the oven. She set it on the stove and got out a knife to cut it. Kitty spooned some out, plopping it onto a plate and brought it over to him. "Thanks."
She watched as he cut into it and popped a piece into his mouth, watching him slowly chew. Bobby felt like gagging and suddenly wished they had a dog.
"So, what do you think?" She asked leaning foward to look at him.
"It's..." He swallowed hard and slmost choked. Which made him start coughing and she had to hit him on the back. "delicious really."
"Uh huh, that's why you almost choked. Thanks, Bobby." Kitty got up from her chair and phased from the room before he could say another word.