Title: Lucky Bamboo
ibonekoenPairing: Infinity Williams/Cory Theodoric
Fandom: Original
Theme: 25. bamboo
Claimer: These kids are mine. Their faces aren't, but their names and personalities are, as well as the situations. Please don't steal. Thanks!
Infinity raised her eyebrows, the expression on her face akin to the way that someone would look at a person who was crazy, that look of 'Are you kidding me?' "Bamboo?" she said to Cory, who was the focal point of her gaze.
"Yes, don't look so surprised," Cory said defensively, "and don't look at me like I'm crazy."
Eyebrows still lifted so high that they were practically disappearing into her hairline, Infinity watched him place a glass square vase onto the center of the coffee table in the living room. "Cory, you've brought, like, fifty million bamboo plants into the apartment and putting them up everywhere." she said. "Do you know what I found on the back of the toilet this morning? A bamboo plant! Know what was on the counter next to the toaster? A bamboo plant! Can ya guess what was by the fish bowl on the corner table going into the hallway? You guessed it, a bamboo plant!"
"They're good luck, Infinity!" Cory insisted, giving her his patented pouty puppy dog look.
She hated that look, she really, really did. He looked so pathetic and sad and she felt completely heartless for putting that look on his face. "Cory..." she whined, raising her hands to try to shield her eyes.
"Besides, it's pretty, isn't it, Infinity?" he said, giving her a toothy grin.
"I guess..." she said. "But you know I can't take care of plants. I kill everything that's a plant that I touch!"
"That's why I'll be taking care of them, honey." Cory assured her, moving over to wrap his arms around her in a hug. "It'll be fine, and I'll teach you how to take care of them. They can be our little babies."
"We couldn't just get a cat or something?" she grumped. "I can take care of an animal."
"We have fish!" he said.
"Cats are cuter." she saud, poking out her bottom lip.
"Cats no lika da fish, baby." he said with a shake of his head. "Besides, this lucky bamboo is really simple to take care of. I guarantee you that you won't be able to kill it."
She snorted. "We'll see about that."
He laughed and kissed her gently, caressing her cheek with his fingers. "You're cute." he said.
She smiled. "Glad you think so."
"C'mon, there's more in the car." he said, grinning brightly.
She blinked, staring at him. "Um, Cory, just how many bamboo plants did you buy?"
He shifted his eyes to the right, then to the left, looking down at the ground. "Um...ten? Or, uh, maybe fifteen?"
She groaned a little and shook her head, touching her hand to her forehead. "Cory, what am I going to do with you?"
He gave her a cute grin. "Love me 'cause I'm so stinkin' adorable?"
She laughed and nodded. "Somebody's gotta. Might as well be me." She rolled her eyes, smiling, and hooked her arm around his. "Let's go get these 'lucky' bamboo plants of yours."
Cory grinned. Score! he thought as he led her out of the apartment. Another point for Theodoric!