Title: Still the One, prompt 12 - handsome in a suit, Timothy Speedle/Horatio Caine, FRAO

Mar 13, 2007 09:31

Title: Still the One
Fandom: CSI Miami 
Characters: Timothy Speedle/Horatio Caine 
Prompt: 12 - you look handsome in a suit
Word Count: 1192
Rating: FRAO
Disclaimer: Not making any money here.  The only thing I own is the creative muse.
Warning: Some implications of slash and kissing.  If that kinda thing squiks you out then don't read this any further. 
Author's Notes: Fluff. Definitely fluff…based around the song ‘You’re Still the One’ by Shania Twain.

"What's wrong?" Horatio asked, watching as Tim made tea.  He knew his young lover well enough by now to tell when he was upset.  That gorgeous little pout was a dead give away, every time.

"It's nothing."

Speed rattled around with the mugs and spoons.  He knew he was just being dumb but he couldn't help it, and he didn't want to spoil the evening.  It was all meant to have been special.

Horatio took his hand just before he could reach for the boiling kettle.  "It's something," he persisted, "or you wouldn't have put that much sugar in my tea."

Speed blinked when he realized what he'd been doing.  "Yeah...er..."

He was going to correct the problem, but Horatio gently turned him away from the kitchen counter, cupped his cheek and firmly forced him to look up until they were eye to eye.

"I love you," the redhead whispered, kissing the tip of Tim's nose, "but you have to tell me what's wrong."

Speed felt a flush of color rise to his face.  There was always something so very intense about being under H's scrutiny, whatever the circumstance.  He just had to keep reminding himself that there wasn't a single damn thing he could hide from the older man, no matter how hard he tried, or how well thought out his intentions.

With a small, shy grin he reached up to loosen the bow tie at Horatio's throat.  "You looked so handsome tonight, up there on the stage.  You deserved that award, even if it only pissed Rick off a bit more."

The trophy in question sat behind them on the kitchen table.

Caine growled slightly.  "Don't go changing the subject."

"I'm not.  I just..."

Speed hadn't been comfortable all night.  Everyone put it down to him being shaved and neatly presented in a tuxedo of his own; something no one actually believed he might own - Horatio included - but it wasn't the formal wear banquet that had gotten him fidgety and depressed.  It was having to watch while everyone demanded a share of his lover; while all those beautifully dressed women asked him to dance, and pressed themselves shamelessly into his arms as they flirted with the city's acclaimed 'hero of the hour', all eager to be seen with him, photographed with him; to laugh and giggle with him in the hope of attracting his attention and maybe capturing his heart.

Every man in the room had come to shake his hand, squeeze his shoulders, and pat him on the back as they watched him with jealous eyes and badly disguised lust, not all of which was directed solely at the women.

Speed had been left to sit at the bar with a beer, or dance with Alexx and Calleigh.  Not that he minded dancing with either of them, but they were more like his mom and his sister, and he could smoothly hand them off to Peter and Hagen once the music stopped.

Even Eric has snuck away as the night wore on, his arm securely around the waist of Isabella Vasquez from the finance office.  He's smirked and winked at Speed on his way out the door, leaving the Trace Expert in no doubt that his old friend was about to get lucky.

"I just wanted to be with you...dance with you...tell all those over anxious women that you were spoken for."  Speed sighed, feeling like a fool for even saying such things.  He glanced down again, fiddling with his own tie before it choked the life out of him.  "But we can't say it can we...we can't be free to be...us!"  In exasperation he yanked the top button clean off his shirt, and threw the tiny disc down on the counter behind him.  "Makes me feel like I'm not good enough for you."

Totally humiliated by the childish petulance in his voice, he turned away rather than risk seeing what he knew would be a look of shocked disappointment on Horatio's face as the older man stepped back, relinquishing his embrace.

This wasn't meant to be a miserable night after all the celebrations.  Lieutenant Caine had been duly honored for his unfailing heroism in the line of duty, and all Speed had wanted was to support him, cheer for him, admire and love him with all the strength he possessed.  He hadn't meant to turn it into some self-pitying misery.

When I first saw you, I saw love.
And the first time you touched me, I felt love.
And after all this time, you're still the one I love.

Music floated into him from the living room stereo.

Looks like we made it
Look how far we've come my baby
We mighta took the long way
We knew we'd get there someday

He frowned and followed the sound, only to find Horatio standing there casually in the middle of the floor, his back to the door, his head bowed.

They said, "I bet they'll never make it"
But just look at us holding on
We're still together still going strong

He turned to glance over his shoulder only when he felt Speed's eyes on him, and the young man was left breathless by the soulful look in Horatio's gaze, and the soft fall of that bright red hair over his face.

"Come here," he murmured.

Speed stepped forward, taking the hand that reached out for him, and strong arms pulled him in close; so close he could feel every beat of Horatio's heart

You're still the one
You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're the one I want for life
You're still the one
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night

He trembled as H whispered the words in his ear.  For the first time he truly heard them as more than just some meaningless song.

Ain't nothin' better
We beat the odds together
I'm glad we didn't listen
Look at what we would be missin'

Moving together, the music surrounding them, they kissed slowly and gently, breathing in and tasting each other, tongues touching, searching for that assurance, each mapping the other's mouth.

They said, "I bet they'll never make it"
But just look at us holding on
We're still together still going strong

Speed tangled his fingers in Horatio's hair.  Need and longing pulsed through his body from head to toe.

You're still the one
You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're the one I want for life
You're still the one
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night

Horatio refused to let go.  All he wanted was right there in his arms, and he needed Speed to know that.

I'm so glad we made it
Look how far we've come my baby

Soft panting filled the room when the music stopped.

"You're the one," Horatio said simply.

"You're the one," Speed echoed.

And they walked hand in hand to the bedroom. Challenge Chart
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