Title: Childish
Fandom: Trigun
Characters: VashxMeryl
Prompt: #24, root beer
Word Count: 130
Rating: G
“Vash, it reminds me of toothpaste. I don’t like the idea of drinking toothpaste. Are you trying to tell me I don’t brush my teeth enough?”
Vash couldn’t help but smile at her. Meryl was eyeing the glass of brown liquid on the bar’s counter like it was poisonous, and the thought of her detesting root beer amused him. “No, I never said that. It’s just a popular drink. Didn’t you ever have any when you were little? Kids love root beer.”
“I had normal soda,” she said flatly, “not that sorry excuse for a drink.”
Meryl wasn’t a kid-or at least she didn’t like to think of herself as one. Vash then decided that she really didn’t have to like it; Meryl could be childish enough on her own.