Title: Drinking
Fandom: Trigun
Characters: VashxMeryl
Prompt: #8, buttermilk
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Pancakes were always a usual for breakfast. Meryl would do it right from scratch, cracking eggs, tipping in flour and baking powder, and of course, pouring in buttermilk. This time, curiosity nabbed Vash from resting on the couch to watch her work.
Meryl poured out a cup of the soured liquid, leaving it set for a moment while she gathered eggs from the refrigerator. When she heard a displeased yelp come from behind her, she turned around to see Vash sticking his tongue out disapprovingly. “That stuff tastes nasty. Is the milk bad?”
She chuckled. “Buttermilk’s not for drinking, broom-head.”