Title: 03 - Two Knights Endgame
Author/Artist: Rinja (
Character: Gokudera “Smokin' Bomb” Hayato [& Yamamoto Takeshi, this round]
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Theme: Rock 18 ♪ Blood Brothers - Papa Roach
Rating/Warnings: R (barely) - violence, language, OOC ohgod /sob.
Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! and all affiliated characters and settings are the creative property of Akira Amano, Shueisha, Weekly Shounen Jump, and any other companies holding the title to its license and distribution (VIZ Media, etc.). Used without permission for non-profitable entertainment purposes.
// ♪ rock you like a hurricane mix: [
track three @ my writing journal ]