Happy New Year's Eve!!!!

Dec 31, 2005 20:26

I hope everyone is having a great time!!!

I finally got the pictures of my apartment scanned and uploaded, so here they are along with an update from my apartment complex.

My apartment 9-26-05. http://photobucket.com/albums/c195/300zx_twinturbo/Hurricane%20Katrina%20-%20My%20Apartment%209-26-05/

My apartment 9-27-05. http://photobucket.com/albums/c195/300zx_twinturbo/Hurricane%20Katrina%20-%20My%20Apartment%209-27-05/

My apartment 12-15-05. http://photobucket.com/albums/c195/300zx_twinturbo/Hurricane%20Katrina%20-%20My%20Apartment%2012-15-05/

December 26, 2005

This e-mail is being sent to all the residents that we have their e-mail address.

As of today we still do not have electricity, gas, or telephone service to the property, so the work environment at the property is still very primitive. We do not know when utilities will be restored to the property as all of our electrical service used underground cables and Entergy is having a difficult time trying to decide what to do. The area still looks like a ghost town, yet we are starting to see activity of people returning to their homes to start the cleanup/rebuilding process. Unfortunately this process seems that it will take much more time to accomplish than was originally thought. The population of the City is probably less than 75,000 and there are still large sections where there is virtually no activity going on. It is so strange to see homes 2 blocks on the other side of Robert E. Lee (between Lake Terrace and the Lake) that had no damage to them with green lawns, then look at the area between us and I-610 where the damage was significant with no building being spared the flood waters. Most people outside of New Orleans have the impression that things have returned to normal. Unfortunately this is just not the case. Unless you have seen the damage that the city suffered first hand, you have no idea what is going on in New Orleans.

We have gutted all of the downstairs apartments and started the process of cleaning the property up. We have removed all of the refrigerators from the property and have had the piles of debris removed. All of the pools have been drained and the debris removed from them. We are still having major issues with our mortgage company and because of this we have been unable to start the repairs necessary to rebuild the property. The delay in starting the rebuilding has caused us to postpone indefinitely our return to commerce. This comes at a time when housing is desperately needed much sooner than later. Hopefully these issues can be resolved in the near future. Without going into details the last 4 months have taken a huge toll on all of us that are trying to restore Lake Terrace Gardens. The complete lack of governmental assistance is extremely frustrating and the city’s lack of clear direction in the rebuilding process has been very disappointing. Hopefully with Congress finally approving an aid package we (like almost all other business’s) will finally be able to get the help that we so desperately need. On a personal note I would not wish this experience on my worst enemy...

While many of you have inquired about returning to your apartments, we do not have a realistic timetable as of yet due to the above aforementioned circumstances. We have been working with UNO in the hope that they can help expedite solutions to some of the issues hat we have to deal with.

In closing we strongly believe that New Orleans will return as a much better city than it was prior to Hurricane Katrina. We intend to be involved with the rebuilding of the City and look forward to our re-opening. We will keep you posted as to the status of events. We hope that you have very happy holidays and that 2006 is a better year than 2005.

Thomas Favrot, Jr.


So, it looks like I won't be moving back into my complex anytime soon. I thought that if they had units to rent soon that that would be a good excuse to move back. Now I guess I'll have to find some other good excuse.
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