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drw_grinder публичной части полученного мной позавчера емейла - попытка агрегатировано ответить на много полученных вопросов.
Мыло под катом, там вся соль в последних строчках, ребятам основательно распродаться надо:)
Итого, про сугубо истинный АК:
- в Америке в рамках существующего законодательства невозможен.
В ЮСУ практически запрещено ввозить как любой тип АК, так и детали к нему, если это изготовлено или было изготовлено на территориях в рамках бывшего СССР. То есть некоторые легальные способы есть, но они чреваты замораживанием денег на годы, и никто на это не пойдет.
Поэтому все АКшное сейчас представлено сборками их наборов на базе разоряемых болгарско/румынских и пр. АК; попадаются, кстати, вполне приличные. Ну так и эти ребята, несмотря на громкие заявления (просто я знаю у кого и какие киты они купили:), тоже собирают и обтьюнивают. Характерно (даже средних партий все равно не будет, интерес пал) в связи с этим:
"... Thomas McCrossin, CEO of Kalashnikov USA, told CNNMoney in January, at the SHOT Show in Las Vegas, that his company was going to manufacture the guns in America as soon as a factory was established. The company has not told CNNMoney where that factory is located. ..."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Command Arms USA [
http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001M9kSZ1lizuKecq00UrnetiBjwVZa6R7dLL1YGGBwCftJVkqvvVrfMuLjrhtPgZQGZX1vG4QWS2C64L7jKTUH9R9WV4oM7rC584rS-kL8cS9nVQ848vHIXBmyAR2Uvv_oJQAFoscQN47Eo9dF1suE4KcAatmCmQW-szhhdA8DWdPO3cOoQL-0vg==&c=4u4JAx6o7QM9A1VYyvkfHPju9O-YWJNVB0DgE-s8NFZTnfKm6sodpg==&ch=KX45mrQp_MiPGOJj4NxE1r2AmTF3k-XTl4xGN0g2AxBB2Q27r3-0IQ==]Kalashnikov USA [
On behalf of CAA USA and Kalashnikov-USA I would like to thank you for visiting
our booth at the 2015 SHOT Show.
No other event in the world brings together so many leaders, professionals, manufacturers,
wholesalers, retailers and suppliers with products, innovations and solutions for
the hunting and shooting sports, law enforcement and defense industries. One of
the many benefits of being at SHOT Show is seeing new products and equipment that
will influence the next year and help improve the performance and safety of our
customers. This event offers tremendous knowledge and insight about our industry's
offering for 2015.
At CAA, our mission is clear: to be a world class producer of rock-solid, operation-tested
firearm accessories and to strengthen our partnership with you, our customer through
unmatched service. Our lifetime warranty means that you can execute your mission
with confidence, knowing that your gear is not only ready for action, it's been
battled tested.
We are professional shooters, ex-marines, army reservists and members of the IDF
elite counter terrorism, reconnaissance, commando and reserved units. Our diverse
team keeps on developing and producing advanced battle-tested firearm accessories
to withstand the rigors of real life combat conditions and to give our users a tactical
and survival advantage.
Upgrade your weapon, be in command.
At Kalashnikov-USA we were very proud to introduce at SHOT the formally announce
that we will begin manufacturing the famous Kalashnikov AK rifles and shotguns
in the USA under the Kalashnikov-USA brand. Shooters can expect extremely high quality
firearms at competitive price points with supplies uninterrupted by import sanctions.
Deliveries of the US manufactured weapons will commence in the second quarter of
2015. Until then we currently have initial stock of the Russian manufactured Saiga
AK Rifles and Shotguns as well as Baikal firearms and airguns. These are the last
that will be available in the US market until such time as the sanctions have been
Our Sales TEAM is standing by to assist you and can be reached at 1-866-611-9576
or please visit our complete line of products at www.commandarms.com [
http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001M9kSZ1lizuKecq00UrnetiBjwVZa6R7dLL1YGGBwCftJVkqvvVrfMuLjrhtPgZQGZX1vG4QWS2C64L7jKTUH9R9WV4oM7rC584rS-kL8cS9nVQ848vHIXBmyAR2Uvv_oJQAFoscQN47Eo9dF1suE4KcAatmCmQW-szhhdA8DWdPO3cOoQL-0vg==&c=4u4JAx6o7QM9A1VYyvkfHPju9O-YWJNVB0DgE-s8NFZTnfKm6sodpg==&ch=KX45mrQp_MiPGOJj4NxE1r2AmTF3k-XTl4xGN0g2AxBB2Q27r3-0IQ==]or www.kalashnikov-usa.com [
Thomas K. McCrossin
2015 Product Catalogs
Command ArmsFacebook [
http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001M9kSZ1lizuKecq00UrnetiBjwVZa6R7dLL1YGGBwCftJVkqvvVrfMsQZV3ZRGirtvUINouQ5ZMElmH6b6kzPq-2oV1yqU-m-6dxRrxttd87DWeLj2dw7geCtlA5ZxM6iPMJqdDBWd0NAe_UUBJM9Fgs7M2FtZ0r9vPyQ_PW7ByQ=&c=4u4JAx6o7QM9A1VYyvkfHPju9O-YWJNVB0DgE-s8NFZTnfKm6sodpg==&ch=KX45mrQp_MiPGOJj4NxE1r2AmTF3k-XTl4xGN0g2AxBB2Q27r3-0IQ==]Twitter [
http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001M9kSZ1lizuKecq00UrnetiBjwVZa6R7dLL1YGGBwCftJVkqvvVrfMsQZV3ZRGirtvUINouQ5ZMElmH6b6kzPq-2oV1yqU-m-6dxRrxttd87DWeLj2dw7geCtlA5ZxM6iPMJqdDBWd0NAe_UUBJM9Fgs7M2FtZ0r9vPyQ_PW7ByQ=&c=4u4JAx6o7QM9A1VYyvkfHPju9O-YWJNVB0DgE-s8NFZTnfKm6sodpg==&ch=KX45mrQp_MiPGOJj4NxE1r2AmTF3k-XTl4xGN0g2AxBB2Q27r3-0IQ==]Kalashnikov USAFacebook [
http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001M9kSZ1lizuKecq00UrnetiBjwVZa6R7dLL1YGGBwCftJVkqvvVrfMsQZV3ZRGirtvUINouQ5ZMElmH6b6kzPq-2oV1yqU-m-6dxRrxttd87DWeLj2dw7geCtlA5ZxM6iPMJqdDBWd0NAe_UUBJM9Fgs7M2FtZ0r9vPyQ_PW7ByQ=&c=4u4JAx6o7QM9A1VYyvkfHPju9O-YWJNVB0DgE-s8NFZTnfKm6sodpg==&ch=KX45mrQp_MiPGOJj4NxE1r2AmTF3k-XTl4xGN0g2AxBB2Q27r3-0IQ==]Twitter [
http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001M9kSZ1lizuKecq00UrnetiBjwVZa6R7dLL1YGGBwCftJVkqvvVrfMsQZV3ZRGirtvUINouQ5ZMElmH6b6kzPq-2oV1yqU-m-6dxRrxttd87DWeLj2dw7geCtlA5ZxM6iPMJqdDBWd0NAe_UUBJM9Fgs7M2FtZ0r9vPyQ_PW7ByQ=&c=4u4JAx6o7QM9A1VYyvkfHPju9O-YWJNVB0DgE-s8NFZTnfKm6sodpg==&ch=KX45mrQp_MiPGOJj4NxE1r2AmTF3k-XTl4xGN0g2AxBB2Q27r3-0IQ==]911 William Drive, Tullytown PA 19007 | P: 866.611.9546 | Fax: 215.949.0808
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