Sixteenth Flutter [Video/Action only for traveling ponies]

Nov 19, 2011 15:23

[The Pony gang has been on the move since Pinkie's last post, as they travel their way to Goldenrod. But all is not well with our pony pals. Fluttershy has been traveling waaay in the back, as if to avoid the others, and when she thinks they aren't looking, she fumbles with the Pokegear. She turns to Video, and tries to keep her voice low so her friends won't overhear.]

Um... excuse me... I'm sorry for bothering you all again, but, I was wondering if I could have some more advice...

... If you think you did something wrong, but you don't know what it is, how do you go about making up for it? I think I did something to make my friend Applejack mad at me... Lately she's been acting so strange... She looks at me funny, but when I look at her, she won't look back at me... We can't even have a good conversation anymore... She's just fine when she talks to the others, and nopony else is treating me this way... I tried to ask her what was wrong, and she said it was nothing... except she's a really, really bad liar.

... Maybe it's because of the whole Alois thing... I should have never brought it up... Oh, I don't want her mad at me, she's one of my dearest friends...

[Cue the wibbling! So much wibbling.]
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