i wait for you to take me all the way

Jun 17, 2005 17:12

!!!!!! I just found a cd i made back in 2003!!!!!!!! OMG! i love finding old mixs !!!!!!!

So yea today was the last day of classes. It was a damn good day. I had a lot of laughs and junk. But it was also very sad.
I did my bio project that was due yesterday in fiorst period down at guidence. thank god for Ms Sampson. lol WOOO. It's so bad lookin. Who cares though? I have an A-
In spanish i took a test. ew.
third period... umm... who cares? It was barrows' class and we just wrote a pragraph thing.
Then there was the underclassmen awards. I had to pee so bad lol/ It was cool. Ms C was there!!!! OMG SHE IS SO CUTE!!!!!!! She's retiring though :(! AWW! I got an award!!! lol for amnesty!!! hahah
then the cookout.. :\ Bail told us she was leaving for some school out in nowheres land. I cried a little because shes like... my favorite teacher.. my go to person. It really sucks to be losing that kind of person. God it sucked. But the cookout was great. I had a ton of watermellon! and i had a hot dog!!!! YUMMY!!!!!! I also stole the Raspberry Ginger Ale!!!!! HELL YEA MAN!~
Bio was pointless. Erin drew on me.
Drama was priceless. We played lets make a date. It was good lol. At the end of class Ilham and Josh got in a "fight" holy crap it was fucking hilarious. I recorded it but it doesnt work right. lol still awesome I am going to miss that class so so so so so bad. :(


so yea. I'm going to my moms for the weekend. I have my grandmas birthday party tomorrow night. it should be interesting with my lame ass snob fucking bitchface rich aunts and cousins. GAH! at least i got a 40 dollar meal out of it!?!?!?! lol

bah. I am so nervious for finals though. I know i am going to fail my math and english finals because Loosemore is a bitch and Watts is a dipshit ass hole and he didnt review anything with us. FUCK HEADS! I know i'll do good with history and such. Lets hope i dont have to stay back. I think i might end up having to.

Hmm I need somethign to do after Wednesday next week. Anyone want to do something I'm willing to do ANYYTHING
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