"I guess we'll never know"

Aug 19, 2004 23:38

Here I am sitting here surfing the net, bored, and not tired. To pass the time for a little bit. I'll post some things that I hate or annoy me. Here they are in no certin order.

1. People diss Hanson and say they are gay when they haven't even taken the time to listen to their new stuff.
2. When people lick their fingers and turn pages of books, newspapers, or magazines.
3. People who think too highly of themselves
4. People who are rude
5. Hanson fans who are only fans because of their looks and not the music
6. Beyonce
7. Alisha(sp?) Keys
8. Girls who wear skimppy clothes
9. Christina M.
10. Josh Heartnet(sp?)
11. That Colien(sp?) F. guy
12. When people don't listen to me
13. Celeberties who spend way too much money on themselves
14. Usher
15. When I have to chase my dog around the house
16. John Karry
17. Michael Moore
18. People who diss the south and say we're a bunch of dumb hicks that marry our relatives
19. A certain cousin who never comes to see me or talk to me anymore.
20. That same cousin who only seem to come over when my brother in-law is home (I think she has crush)
21. When my mom's cousin comes over just when we want to go somewhere or it's almost dinner time
22. When my mom's cousin laughs for no reason
23. Awards shows where the winners are picked by a bunch of overpaid judges
24. Crickets who seem to chirp at the oddest hours epecially when I'm trying to sleep
25. People who turn or change lanes without using their turn signal
26. Walking what seems like miles from one class to another (Glad my classes are close to each other this semester)
27. When stores don't have chocolete chip ice cream
28. That lady on ET with the big mouth
29. That black lady with the fake smile on E! Network
30. That girl on VH1 who hosts the Top 20 Countdown
31. When it seems like I'm being ignored
32. Rasberries
33. Mint
34. LA traffic
35. When stores don't have what I need when I want it and later have it when I don't need it.
36. When we Hanson fans are told that the episode of MTV Cribes with Hanson will air on a certin date and in the end we wasted our time watching old episode that Hanson aren't on.
37. Having to wait weeks for the episode of MTV Cribs with Hanson to air
38. Colleges charging way too much for books
39. When my mom leave her napkins lying around the house
40. Spam mail
41. Pop ups, epecially ones that never seem to go away
42. When my homepage is changed by stupid pop up
43. When I can't view Hanson's new video because my internet connection is too slow
44. My internet connection
45. Teachers who think only their class matters
46. Teachers who confuse or stress the crap out of students
47. When Hanson's videos are hardly shown on music networks
48. When I spend over an hour downloading a plug in so I could watch Hanson's new video and in the end I still can't view it.
49. People who say their Hanson fans, but go and say that their new music has no depth
50. Doing research for a class
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