Aug 16, 2004 15:45
Nothing going on a usual. I had to go to my friend's house, pick her up, take her to where her dad works to get her keys, and then take her back home so she could go to work. Sounds easy huh? Not when she live all the way in Van Buren which is about 5-10 min from my house depending on traffic. And add another 5-10min it took me to find her house. Yeah. I didn't mind doing it. I don't have anything else to do and she gave me $10. Anyway now I'm at home bored again.
Guess what? The MTV Cribs episode with Hanson won't air until this fall. That's like 1-2 months aways. Damn.. They get us all exictied and say it come on this date and it doesn't. We wait until another date and it still doesn't come on. Now they tell us it's not until what could be weeks later. UGH!!! I wish they would have told us that before we wasted our time setting our VCRs, recording, and watching what in the end turned out to be old crappy episodes. UGH!!!! Now we have to wait!! Grrrrr!!!