IMGP0003, originally uploaded by
This is me and John 2.5. He's british. He went to oxford, so he saves our butts in class when most of the kids haven't done the reading. Its his birthday in this pic, so he's rather pissed ( = drunk). Well we had a blast anyway. Shots were 5 for 5 euros. So naturally I ordered 20 as his bday present. Our first flatmate was named John, then he moved out and we got this john. Hence, John 1.0 and 2.0. Anyway, John the brit got upgraded several times over the trip, so he's up to 2.5 now. We're hoping to move to a full version release by the end of this week, LOOKOUT.
I was trying to post more new pictures, but this asian lady next to me is video conferencing with her hubby and stealing all my bandwidth. RARRR! I'll try to update tonight with pics of the holiday on the emerald isle of Ischia. Prepare for jealousy.
One more thing - for those that I promised postcards/naked italian men in the mail, they've been sent! Italian mail, especially international mail, takes forever. I was told to send them from the Vatican, which goes through switzerland, but that advice came too late. So hold onto yer butts, yer lovin is on the way!