Mar 13, 2005 13:16
He saw her
for once saw her
he looked past the clothes and through the glasses
and he couldn’t believe what he saw
he saw beauty
he saw grace
saw that she was more than just bait
he saw just what he had missed
when he was too preoccupied given her a fake kiss
He didn’t want it to end like this
he didn’t know how much he had really risked
when he took her face in his hands
and saw how much pain she had
he closed his eyes and put up his walls and said those words that could make a girls world fall
I don’t love any more
I never cared and this was all a stupid dare
she glared
that’s all she could do
all that was in her head was memories of I love you
sweet words and stupid nothings
when suddenly
she snapped
thought once then
I hate you she said
ran home and cried in her bed
but she didn’t see
his angry fists
the despair I his eyes and the thought on how stupid he’d been to let it end like this
he went up to his room
took out a piece of paper
then thought it may b too soon
NO his conscience yelled
tell how much u love her
tell her how much u care
tell her how you’ll always be there
he took out a piece of paper and started to write
I’m sorry
kill me now
for I am a fool
yes I know
but I love you
take my heart
and break it in 2
because I cant live w/out u
sincerely now and 4eva
your boo
He sent it the next day with roses and chocolate and a bear hoping to see her and show her how much he cared
she got it and read it then broke it in 2
when up to her room and wrote a letter saying
I hate you and yes u r a fool I gave u my love and what did u do?
take back the roses
take back the bear
take back all the memories we’ve shared
because now
I grew up and I saw
just how stupid men really are
so hear me once and don’t make me say it again
I hate you and no I don’t want to b your friend
so be you
be true
don’t love me because I don’t love u
I cried
I cared
but to u this was all a stupid dare
take some rope
put it around my neck
and see just really how much u wrecked
look at me
and let me die
because this is much easier than this kind of life
sincerely never again yours
a women w/ feelings!!!