Title: The Dearly Departed
2theletterRating: R
Pairing: Josh Hamilton/Ian Kinsler
Synopsis: When a sudden tragedy sends Josh's world off-kilter, he needs someone to help him stay grounded. Cue a level-headed man named Kinsler.
Disclaimer: This story has been notarized as completely false. No intent to harm or defame those mentioned herein.
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I also like that Kinsler was so steady and solid for Josh, that he wasn't sappy or anything but supportive and generous. And I lol'd when he was like "Guess I'm making you feel better, though." Dry!Kins is one of my favorites haha. And I like that Josh was remembering that Ian was always there for him through many years of ups and downs. Glad they could sustain that even after Josh retired.
Thanks for writing this! I really enjoyed it :)
I trend toward easy, comfortable relationships in my stories, and I think you picked right up on that element. Here are two men who've known each other for years, and they skip what could have been a weird situation with little more than a shrug. Because hey, you're Ian and I'm Josh and this shouldn't be weird. In other words, they're adults. We should all be so fortunate to have that person in our lives.
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