ST TOS Fanfiction--- Just a random one

Jun 14, 2011 11:45

Authors Note: I wrote this 100 years ago. Seriously. Okay, not quite that long. But at least a year or more ago. I couldn't post it on fanfiction-dot-net (the place where I usually dump my creations) because of some rule they have about formatting. Basically I broke all the rules by writing it in script format and not punctuating correctly (though purposefully) so I guess I'll stick it here. Just in case someone out there cares.

Title: I honestly hadn't thought of one... at all. Call it: IMs from the COs

Summary: Just a glimpse at the messages our favorite duo share.

Warnings: None. I don't do slash, and I rarely swear. Although I'm good with euphemisms... especially colorful ones.


Time: 1200

Kirk: hey you busy?

Spock: I am currently in the Library doing research on the basic elements that form a Type-3 Nebula.

Kirk: boring. what for?

Spock: I must give a lecture to 23 entry-level students tomorrow at 0800

Kirk: ah how much data have you gathered?

Spock: There is still much I have left to analyze. If it would be possible for you to send me the Enterprise data records of the last Type-3 Nebula we encountered, it would be helpful as a visual aid in the lecture.

Kirk: np i’ll send it asap

Spock: “np” Captain?

Kirk: it’s another one of those acronyms. ‘no problem’ lolz

Spock: “lol” stands for “Laughing Out Loud” However, I have never understood your reasons for adding a “z”

Kirk: }:)

Spock: }:) ?

Kirk: look at it sideways

Spock: Is that supposed to represent a Klingon?

Kirk: *chokes on spit laughing* it’s a devilish grin!

Spock: I see, and I assume the use of an asterisk is meant to represent an action being taken rather than words being expressed.

Kirk: something like that yes

Spock: I see.

Kirk: }:|

Spock: Your devil is not grinning?

Kirk: It’s a Vulcan.

Spock: *raises eyebrow

Kirk: rotflol!

Spock: This discussion of acronyms and emoticons, though interesting, is hardly aiding in the completion of this lecture.

Kirk: sorry, just relaxing. it been a long week without you. i’ll go get the data for you and send it k?

Spock: Very well.

Kirk: chat l8r

Spock: Spock Out.

Spock has logged off.


1500 hours.

Kirk: hey sent ya the data

Spock: Received successfully. You are awake at a late hour, Captain.

Kirk: ya but can’t sleep. u nervous about tmw?

Spock: Nervousness is an emotion, Captain. However, I will be gratified when the lecture is over.

Kirk: u’ll be fine. i’ll be thinking of u tmw. might even im ya! see how u doing.

Spock: I am afraid I would not be able to send a long response as it would be considered rude to do so.

Kirk: we’ll see. goodnight.

Spock: Goodnight.


Time 0900

Kirk: ?

Spock: ok

Kirk: :)


Time: 1200

Kirk: hey, so everything went “ok”

Spock: Affirmative.

Kirk: good, now when do we get u back?

Spock: The Conference is scheduled to last 2 more days. I am obligated to remain until the last day.

Kirk: sigh

Spock: I should be back on the Enterprise in precisely 4 days 7 hours and 10 minutes.

Kirk: i guess i’ll live then :( wish u’d be here tmw tho.

Spock: Why?

Kirk: got an ambassador coming… a GLUS! i have to entertain him for 20 hrs until we dump him on a planet in the 6D40 sector.

Spock: I see. If memory serves, the Glus are a very entertainment oriented race. They also have special environmental needs.

Kirk: EXACTLY! first off he demanded that I entertain him... nobody else. then he demanded i do so in my own room!

Spock: Naturally you will have Security Personnel present.

Kirk: of course, but it still doesn’t change the fact that my quarters must be filled with 3 ft of goo.

Spock: Goo?

Kirk: some substance they need to be comfortable. environment issue. If u really want to know what it is u can look it up. i don’t want to know…

Spock: I don’t see how my presence on board the Enterprise would change that scenario.

Kirk: just would be nice to have u there sitting in goo too. at least i’d have another face to look at.

Spock: I regret being obligated in such a way that I am unable to assist you.

Kirk: :) that’s ok helps to gripe anyway

Spock: I must log off, Admiral Weston is here to discuss details of the Conference.

Kirk: k yak l8r bye :)

Spock: Goodbye


Kirk's Status: waste-deep in goo and ready to kill something

Spock: ?

Kirk: !

Spock: Another face to look at: }:|

Kirk: :D thanx

Voila! I posted something. Yay for me. Told ya it was a Random One. And it was a 100 years ago... so don't judge me. :)

star trek tos, fanfiction, non-slash

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