Title: It’s Complicated
Author: Me! (2theChangmin)
Pairing: Bao-Zhai/Changmin (as well as all the cast and pairs of Heart Problems)
Rating: PG-13 (for language)
Summary: Bao-Zhai was not a stalker. But, she was admittedly acting like one a little bit. This guy just wouldn’t get out of her head. And she’d talk to him, only she’s pretty sure he hates
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Exactly. You being serious is like, um, something highly improbable :D
Don't be mean!! Please tell me! Please!! *tries to bribe you with cookie*
Wow, he must mean that much to you then XP One day, they will both be missing from the world and no one will know exactly what happened to them except you and me and Sungmin's whip! *looks gloriously at the future*
Really? Cool! By the time Yesung comes into the picture, then you'll see my favorite lines hahaha wow. That's so cool. I wanna pull sentences out of the keyboard like that too! Lol.
Oh, I meant to type Not that I'm glad to see you :D
Clearly. Thank goodness Young-soon is there with the coffee ^_^
Hahahhaa it will definitely save him from any practical problems, although not from the hordes of fangirls just waiting around to jump him when he least expects it lol!
And that one word explains it all XD
XD Yes! Definitely comedy gold.. I've only seen a man on stilts once before though and I was frightened out of my wits cause I thought he might step on me by accident ^_^'
Hahahahaha yeah sure, I'll pretend.
Yes, they would XD
Who wouldn't love Mimi and his "unique-ness"? ~_~
Oh okay lol cause that would have been embarrassing if they did and I forgot it so completely~ Although I can imagine Heechul in a white bride's dress hahaha
I know. He could say "I'm hungry" and mean something that has nothing to do with food or hunger ;P
Really? XD Well, it would be for most of my friends too =D I would get distracted by keychains and things that hang from your bags or whatever XD Oh, and food!!
Lol is he going to be in the next chapter??? Cause I SO miss Yesung from your point of view T^T'
You'll find out soon! *gives you a cake in the hope that you won't be mad*
YES! Muahahahahahaha!!!!
Lol. ^.^
Bahahahaha!! That's even funnier.
Ha, ha! True. He's screwed the second one of his friends leaves him by himself!
I think so. :)
Lol; they do have that unnatural height thing happening for them. I once saw a man on stilts, dressed as a tree. It was pretty cool.
"Henry, I think it's just some kid's balloon..."
"... OH."
*looks around* "Where are we?"
... "I don't know."
"This can't be good..."
Ke, ke, ke...
No one can resist his charms! No one! ^.^
Nice! You and Changmin have something in common. :D
I think so... *mysterious*
XD I know. That would've been mean of Jae to say XD
Oh, oh.. Nice prospects XP I'd probably be part of the crowd that suddenly appears out of nowhere as soon as he's alone ^^
Cool! How do they do that though? Walk around on sticks and not fall? XD
Hahahahahah!! You're so mean XD I bet there'll be girls just itching to "show them the way back" =D
He's just irresistible ^_^
Now that's a compliment XP
lol you must tell me these things @_@' Because they say curiosity killed the cat, but it's only because the cat never found out whatever it was he was curious about XD
“I’m back!!!!!!!!!”
I know, I know: “Who are you?”
*sobs* I’ve been gone so long you have probably forgotten me. :( But I still wanted to let you know that I was back! In case, maybe you remembered who I was? :)
Anywho, I know that I kind of disappeared for awhile without warning. Things became super busy, both work and socially; from friends, job, taxes, to a baby (not mine, my best friends), with much in between. But I’m back! And I will continue posting! I hadn’t stopped writing, I just hadn’t had time to come online and post so these next few days should be extra posty. :D
And I would also, just like to add that I have no clue how people walk on stilts. I would probably take two steps and fall on my face... or rump, depending on which way the wind blew. (This is why I have never attempted to walk on stilts ^^)
Bye, bye, for now. (I promise not to go away for such a long stretch without first giving appropriate warning.)
*scoffs* Yeah, sure. I totally forgot the person who created one of my favoritest fic ever... (Note sarcasm, in case you didn't xP)
Anyway, it's okay that you disappeared cause I got kinda inactive on LJ lol~ firstly because of exams last year, and then results, and I'm volunteering now and I'm busy applying for unis and blablabla.... Also, my inbox is spammed by LJ entries and whatnot and I'm just too lazy to check them all T___T So I might check your posts a little late~
Wahaha~ I think I will tie stilts to your legs when you're sleeping just to see you fall on either your rump or your face ^_^
*hugs you back*
I won't promist that myself lol but thanks =p
Lol. Yeah. Life is livable... wait. Where was I going with this? ... *can't remember* Nevermind. Lol.
But I understand being busy.
What? 0.0 No. Don't do that. I don't think I'd be able to even get out of bed. And then much flailing and calling for help would insue. Instead... Hm... *thinks* Oh! Do you still have Sungmin's pink whip? Because I'm forming a plan... *rubs hands together evily* Muahahaha! You get the whip, I'll get the giant turnups and we'll meet back here. Yes!
*leaves to get giant turnups*
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