Title: Beliefs (Oneshot)
Author: Me! (2theChangmin)
Characters: Super Junior
Rating: PG-13 (for language)
Summary: What Heechul believes in...
Author's note: This is a completely random short piece that flew out of my head the other day. I wasn't sure if I was going to post it but... well, my friend read it and told me to. >.< *I'm easily swayed* lol. Anyhow, enjoy!
Aladdin? Epilogue will be up tomorrow! Er... technically today now... Very soon. Lol. >.<
Kim Heechul believed in many things.
He believed that rock music beat classical hands down. And no, no matter how many arguments he had with Ryeowook, he was not going to change his mind damn it!
He believed that Hangeng, though he would whine and bitch and possibly cuss him out in Mandarin the whole time, would carry out any request of his… eventually. Insert greasy smirk here.
He believed that Lee Teuk, despite having many problems and quite possibly being the most immature of them all at times, was actually the best choice to lead their crazy group. He won’t actually verbalize this to his leader though because, well, he is Kim Heechul and needed no reason not to do something other than simply ‘he didn’t want to’.
He believed that Choi Siwon was the worst liar he had yet to meet. In fact, the guy couldn’t even be classified as a liar, because the man couldn’t lie period. He may have tried and attempted it but he always, always failed utterly.
He believed that his hair looked great in any cut or color. Regardless of it sometimes making him look more feminine. It looked great. And really, that was all that mattered.
He believed that no matter how hard or how many times Sungmin tried to make his image ‘manly’, said attempt would not hold longer than it took the man to put on yet another pink shirt. … So, a day tops.
He believed that Seasoning, (previously Zhou Mi), might actually have some sort of ‘smiling’ disease. Though… it’s not like he’s complaining. Because who didn’t love it when Seasoning smiled? Exactly.
He believed that, although Ryeowook was a great cook and knew far more dishes than Hangeng, nothing was better than a large plate of Beijing Fried Rice. At least in his opinion. This may just have been in his own personal opinion though because the others seemed to get sick of it when that’s all they’ve eaten for a week. … Go figure.
Heechul believed that if you were going to cook a meal for fifteen people and one of those fifteen people was Shindong, you must plan on serving eighteen at least so that the other poor guys don’t starve. And if you were cooking for all of Super Junior (‘M’ and other sub-groups included) plus DBSK? Prepare on serving 25-27 and prepare yourself mentally before hand; because damn, Shindong and Changmin together at a dinner table is a scary scene to witness.
Heechul believed that his hands were a gift from… [Not God, because God was one of the things Heechul did not believe in. Though lord knew (and again, not that lord) that Siwon had tried to convince him of the big guy’s existence more than once!] … The Santa Claus of manicures perhaps? … Whatever, the point was his hands were freaking gorgeous!
He believed that Kibum needed to cut his hair. Because the ‘long sexy hair’ look was supposed to be his thing! And how dare the man take it from him! Though, he did look good. But still, he needed to cut it… or else. Insert evil laughter.
He believed that one of his band mates agreeing to an arm wrestling match with Kangin was just about the stupidest thing they could do. Unless they liked not being able to have proper use of their arm for a day.
He believed that Henry, though still lacking in his knowledge of Korean, would always be up for a chat. At least, with him; though that may be because the kid found him a bit intimidating… Nah. It’s probably just because he was amazing. Yeah; that must be it.
He believed that Donghae needed to stop talking about aliens so much. Because the guy’s alien ramblings might actually have been leaking into his subconscious. The other day he was having strange suspicions that Yesung might actually be from another world. He had hoped anyhow.
Speaking of Yesung… He believed, (and this one was something he believed strongly), that Yesung danced like a leprechaun. And that if you were to inform said man of his leprechaun-ish dancing he would get defensive and much fun teasing will be had. The man would also, in order to argue with you properly, stop dancing like a leprechaun; which was just a win/win situation really.
He believed that Kyuhyun needed to go to ‘video games anonymous’, because the boy’s freaking obsession with electronic games was getting in the way of his ‘Starcraft’ and ‘World of Warcraft’ time!!! … What? What do you mean hypocritical? No, Heechul did not need to go to ‘video games anonymous’ with the kid because Heechul could control it. … He could! … Moving on.
He believed that if you wanted to talk to Eunhyuk you should do it before the man headed to ‘bed’ at night. Because, (and trust him on this), if you were to just walk into his room to talk you may stumble upon some random and/or traumatizing sights. There was this one time, with a clown doll and ninja sword and… you don’t want to know. The point was that you never wanted to enter Eunhyuk’s room at night for fear of what he was doing.
Come to think of it, Heechul believed that Sungmin might not be human either, because the man tended to just go in and out of Eunhyuk’s room like there was no problem regardless of the hour. Heechul still couldn’t understand how Sungmin was able to do this. He would open the door after Sungmin leaves one time, to see if Eunhyuk was being somehow normal during those times but… Well, the memories of other times were too frightening.
He believed that anytime you showed Donghae a new electrical gadget, you were practically asking for said thing to be broken. This was why all of Heechul’s electrical things were hidden. (Yes, even his hairdryer.) Ke, ke, ke…
There was a long list of things that Heechul believed in.
Kim Heechul believed, no wait, scratch that: Kim Heechul knew that somebody, and he didn’t know who yet but he would find out, ate the last of the pudding.
“Siwon, did you eat the last of the pudding?!” Heechul asked accusingly as he pushed open the younger man’s room without warning.
Siwon looked up from the book he was reading and blinked. “What hyung?”
“The pudding,” Heechul repeated with a sigh. “Did you eat the last of it?”
“Oh, uh, no.” Siwon frowned in thought. “Sungmin was talking about having pudding earlier. Did you check with him?”
Sungmin. Damn it. “No,” Heechul huffed silently. “But I will right now.”
“Okay, well good luck.” Siwon raised his book back up and immersed himself in its text once more.
Heechul turned his head to the side and smirked. The Bible. How many times had Siwon read the bible already? Didn’t he ever get tired of it? Though, Heechul supposed not if the look on Siwon’s face was any indicator.
“Why do you believe in that stuff?”
Siwon jumped slightly and looked up again. He had thought that Heechul would have left already. “What?”
Heechul nodded toward his book. “How can you believe in that stuff? You do know that the book was written by a group of people right? Average people. Who could have said or made up anything they liked. So why do you believe it?”
Siwon smiled, completely unfazed and used to Heechul’s remarks about his religion. “Because… Everyone needs something to believe in Hyung,” he said simply. “Don’t you believe in anything?”
Heechul blinked. “Yah! What do I need to believe in, huh?” He scoffed. “I’m Kim Heechul; I don’t have to believe in anything.” And with that he left the room, closing the door behind him.
He waited until he was half way to Sungmin and Kyuhyun’s room before he allowed himself to smile. That man… He shook his head as his grin spread. Oh, he still refused to believe in all the ‘religious mumbo jumbo’ Siwon was constantly trying to throw on him, and would no doubt mock Siwon about his faith the next day. But he supposed what Siwon said may have made some kind of sense.
‘Don’t you believe in anything?’
Yeah, Heechul thought, paused outside of Sungmin’s room. Yeah, he supposed he did believe in things. Though, no one necessarily needed to know this.
For instance: Heechul really believed that Sungmin was going to get his ass to the corner shop and buy him some more pudding, damn it! His smile transformed into a smirk before he entered Sungmin’s room with a purpose.