Title: Super Junior Super Short Play
Author: Me! (2theChangmin)
Characters: Super Junior
Rating: PG-13 (for language… possibly R because Heechul swears a lot…)
Summary: Heechul is a director… need I say more?
Author’s Note: A play about a play? Ke, ke, ke… Not really. Though this is written in the format of a play. Confusing? I hope not. ^.^ This is an old one shot I wrote a while ago and just found. Please be warned that this contains much random… randomness.
Also! Part 9 of Aladdin will be up tomorrow!
Super Junior Super Short Play
[The curtains pull open to reveal a dark stage. A solitary light turns on revealing a chair. A man detaches himself from the shadows and walks to the chair. He sits. … He speaks.]
Ryeowook: I was 10 when they told me... *Looks dramatically at the audience* They told me I wouldn't live to see my 20th birthday. Why? It was simple. They were going to kill me the moment I turned 18; when they could kill a man instead of some crying child. Killing a child, thought their leader, was wrong. Yes, it was best to wait until I turned fully into a man. Then they could finish what they started that night. *dramatic pause* That night… They could have killed me that night, as they had just slaughtered my family before my eyes. But they didn’t, and from the day I was 10, I was a marked man. Already timed to die, yet living; counting the days that slowly led to my doom. You could say that I was...
Heechul: No. No. NO. Cut! CUT!!
[House lights come on. Hankyung runs beside an exasperated Heechul as the director stomps down the center aisle to the stage. Heechul stops, shoves his vibrant pink clip board into Hankyung's chest, and places his hands on his hips, leaning to one side.]
Heechul: What the fuck was that Ryeowook? Hmm?
Ryeowook: Um... I... was...
Heechul: I'll tell you what that was: it was CRAP! What kind of lines were those?? Did they even make sense?? What was with the whole 'death at 18' theme you were doing? Look at you. You are obviously well past that tender age, so why are you reciting that CRAP?!!
Ryeowook: Um... I was just... saying the lines.
Hankyung: Hyung?
Heechul: WHAT!?
[Hankyung gives Heechul a copy of the script.]
Hankyung: Those really WERE his lines.
[Heechul briefly skims down the first 2 pages before throwing the thick screenplay over his shoulder.]
Heechul: Well the script is CRAP!!! Who wrote this drivel?!
Yesung: I did... and it's NOT drivel!
[Everyone turns to the man who had been sitting quietly in the otherwise empty theatre.]
Heechul: It IS drivel if I say it's drivel. And I say its drivel! HANNIE! Coffee!!
[The Chinese man places the steaming beverage in Heechul's outstretched hand]
Yesung: How dare you!?
Heechul: Look Mister, go pout somewhere else. I have a show to put on. Ryeowook!
Ryeowook Yes?
Heechul: We're throwing the script out. It sucks, just improvise the first bit.
Ryeowook: WHAT!?
Yesung: You can't just throw my script out!!
Heechul: I can do whatever the bloody hell I please. I'M the director! Ryeowook! Starting position!!
[Ryeowook walks back to the back of the stage and the lights go out]
Heechul: Okay... why is there no spot on the chair?!
Kangin: *voiceover* Sorry!
[Spotlight comes on]
Heechul: *mumbles* Stupid oaf of a lighting guy… ACTION!
[Ryeowook walks into the spot and sits. He looks out to the audience, unsure of exactly what Heechul wishes him to do.]
Ryeowook: . . . I was 10 when they told me... they told me I wouldn't live to see my 20th-
Heechul: CUT!!!
[House lights turn back on]
Heechul: What don't you fucking understand about throwing the fucking script out the fucking window and fucking improvising the lines?!
Hankyung: Hyung, maybe you should try and calm down…
Heechul: I don't want to fucking calm down! Kibum!!
[A man comes out of the wings with a headset on]
Kibum: Yes Heechul hyung?
Heechul: Get the chair off my stage; it doesn't work with the new direction this play is going.
Kibum: Right. *Into his headset* Shindong, Henry, set change.
[Shindong and Henry enter stage right and both stand on either side of the chair. They lift it together and exit stage left]
Ryeowook: Um... Heechul? Where exactly is the direction of this play going?
Heechul: *Sighs* I have to come up with everything!
Hankyung: You are the director. …And you did just change the thing…
Heechul: Shut up. *Grabs his clipboard* The play is now about... um... *Idea stricks* Yes! Star-crossed lovers! Tragic. Romantic. Like Romeo and Juliet without the tights or the lepers. *Gives his clipboard back to Hankyung* I am genius!
Hankyung: Like... Romeo and Juliet?
Yesung: That will destroy the whole creative genius of my work!
Heechul: Your work was creative crap! We are done with it, we are doing this now. Action!
[Lights go out. Spot goes on.]
Ryeowook: Heechul?
Heechul: CUT!
[Lights turn back on]
Heechul: What?
Ryeowook: This is a four man play... how is your idea going to work exactly?
Heechul: I don't need this right now! … All actors on stage. NOW!!!
[Sungmin, Siwon and Kyuhyun enter.]
Heechul: Seriously? That's it? *Sighs* Fine… let me think… Yes, I’ve got it! You!
Sungmin: Me?
Heechul: Yes, you. Who do you play?
Sungmin: I'm the mob boss that wants Ryeowook dead...
Heechul: Not anymore you're not. Now, you are Juliet~.
Sungmin and Ryeowook: WHAT?!
Heechul: Yes, it's genius!!! And you! *Points to Siwon*
Siwon: Yes hyung?
Heechul: I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Go!
Siwon: Uh... um... 7?!
Heechul: No! You're the Capulets.
Siwon: What? All of them.
Heechul: *Ignores Siwon and turns his last actor* That makes you the Montagues.
Kyuhyun: I... okay?
Heechul: Good, now that that is sorted, we can go back to the run through.
Kyuhyun: I….
Heechul: What?!
Kyuhyun: I don’t know Shakespeare…
Siwon: You’re in theatre but you don’t know Shakespeare?
Kyuhyun: Yeah, so?
Heechul: Everyone knows the story of Romeo and Juliet! Make your lines up! Modernize them. Do whatever the fuck you want just stick to the story line! Now go; places!
[Enter Kibum]
Kibum: Sorry Heechul, but there are a few more problems.
Heechul: What now?
[Shindong and Henry enter]
Shindong: We don't have the proper props for this.
Henry: Yeah... we pretty much have a chair, a bottle, a bucket, and a broom...
Heechul: Why are there two of you then if that's all we have?
Shindong and Henry: Um...
Heechul: Never mind. They're actors, so they can act like they have props. Anything else?
[Two men peek out from behind either side of the curtain.]
Eunhyuk: Does this change the curtain cues?
Heechul: Well obviously!
Donghae: Then how will we know when to...
Heechul: Just improvise! Go with your instincts!
[Another man appears from backstage]
Zhou Mi: Their costumes are all wrong for this! Juliet is dressed like a gangster for Christ's sake!
Siwon: Hey, leave Christ out of this.
Zhou Mi: I don't have time to make all new costumes!! The play opens next week!
Heechul: Just do what you can. Now can we please do this? PLACES!
Lee Teuk: *voiceover* Anything special you want in regards to sound?
Heechul: You can improvise as well. … Tragic, romantic crap.
Kangin: *voiceover* Me too? I mean… I should improvise the lights?
Heechul: Yes! Now let's just run this! PLACES! Hankyung, coffee!!
Hankyung: Here Heechul.
Yesung: I'm telling you that you are killing this production. Romeo and Juliet? What are you thinking?!
Heechul: And I’m telling you to SHUT UP! ACTION!!!!!
[Curtains open. Lights fade up to reveal Ryeowook on stage alone. Kyuhyun enters.]
Ryeowook: *Sighs* Rosaline.
Kyuhyun: Don't just stand around moping all day. Spending this much time thinking about a girl is stupid and wasteful. Just forget her, there are plenty of others more fair and willing. Come to a party with me tonight at the Capulets’ and you shall see that she is nothing different from the other ladies there.
Ryeowook: There is no other girl apart from my dear Rosaline that can catch my eye. No one else is for me. Go to the party alone, for I will not go with you.
Heechul: CUT! Who the fuck is Rosaline?? Your girl's name is Juliet!! Get it right this time!
Ryeowook: But hyung, Rosaline is the woman Romeo loves at the beginning before he meets Juliet.
Heechul: What? That makes him sound wishy-washy. I don't like it. Cut the other woman out and do it again. Action!
[Curtains open. Lights fade up to reveal Ryeowook on stage alone. Kyuhyun enters.]
Kyuhyun: Um… Do you want to go to a party with me tonight? We could crash the Capulets’…
Ryeowook: Sure, I have nothing else to do. It’s not as if I’m pining over some girl.
[They exit stage left. Shindong and Henry enter with the bottle on top of the chair. They place the chair on stage and leave.]
Heechul: The curtains should be closed while they're changing the set.
[Curtains start to close.]
Heechul: Not now! WHILE they are changing the set! NEXT SCENE!
[Siwon and Sungmin enter. Music starts to play. Kyuhyun and Ryeowook enter but stay further up stage.]
Kyuhyun: Man this party is great, huh?
Ryeowook: Are you sure no one will realize we crashed the party?
Kyuhyun: Oh come on, who's going to notice?
Siwon: *to Sungmin* Are you enjoying yourself, my cousin?
Sungmin: Oh yes. There are so many interesting people to converse with.
Siwon: And none of those damn Montagues to ruin anything. *Looks around with monstrous Shibrow look*
Sungmin: Mmm...
Heechul: Okay, now look around and meet each other’s gaze...
[Sungmin's gaze meets Ryeowook's]
Heechul: Teukie, cue romantic gushy music... . . . Teukie? . . . Teukie?!?!
[A car horn blares through the theatre and the actors cover their ears]
Sungmin: Aish! What the...?!
Heechul: Teukie! What the fuck!? Romantic music, NOT blaring car horns!
Lee Teuk: *voiceover* Sorry Heechul, I got distracted.
Kangin: *voiceover* It's partly my fault, I was the distracter...
Lee Teuk: *voiceover* Yes... *Giggles*
Heechul: I do not even want to know what that means, just be more prepared with your cues!
Hankyung: Coffee?
Heechul: No, I do not want coffee right now! Resume action! Eyes meet...cue romantic music...
[Soft music begins to play.]
Heechul: Ah, much better.
[4 hours and 59 problems later, they were nearing the end of the play.]
Heechul: CUT! THAT'S IT! You two are supposed to be lovers! Can't you give me more passion when you look into each other’s eyes!? Your balcony scene earlier was ice cold as well! ICE COLD! You didn’t even kiss each other! Now do better or else...!
Sungmin: *sarcastically* Hmm... Could it possibly have anything to do with the fact that we're BOTH guys!?!
Heechul: I don't care if you're fucking furbies! You're supposed to be 'actors', now act!
Ryeowook: Um, Heechul, I don't remember this scene being in Romeo and Juliet... Since when is there a romantic montage/memory flashback scene before Romeo kills himself?
Heechul: Since I said there was one.
Kibum: Heechul?
Heechul: Yes?
Kibum: Why is it that I'm hearing train tracks?
[Everyone listens to the sound of train tracks.]
Heechul: Lee Teuk!!!
Lee Teuk: *voiceover* Sorry!
Kangin: *voiceover* Sorry! *Sniggers*
Heechul: Aish!
[Train track sound stops.]
Heechul: ACTION!
Sungmin: Promise me, that we'll always be together, no matter what.
Ryeowook: I promise, always.
[Siwon Enters Stage Right.]
Siwon: Oh no. What is this that-?
Heechul: CUT! Siwon, what are you doing?
Siwon: Um, isn't this where I enter? *Looks at Ryeowook and Sungmin* Hey, aren't you supposed to be dead?
Sungmin: If you'd wait one minute, we would be.
Siwon: ... Oh. Sorry.
[Siwon exits.]
Heechul: ACTION!
Ryeowook: I promise, always.
[End of flashback. Sungmin lays down on the floor again seemingly dead.]
Ryeowook: *Looking at the 'corpse'* I promise. Always. *Drinks poison and dies*
Sungmin: *Awakening* Romeo? … Oh no... What is this? Romeo?! *shakes Ryeowook’s still body*
[Siwon enters]
Heechul: Damn it, not now Siwon!
[Siwon exits and Sungmin dies soon after.]
Heechul: Wait, you forgot the whole kissing his lips to get the last bit of poison part. You skipped right to 'happy dagger'.
Sungmin: Yes. Again: because we're both dudes! I don't care what you say; it was NOT in my contract to kiss another guy.
Heechul: Fine. Next bit! . . . Siwon!
[Siwon enters.]
Siwon: Sorry... *Clears throat* Oh no. What is this that my aching eyes perceive?
[Kyuhyun enters.]
Kyuhyun: What has our feud, pointless as it was, caused to happen?
Siwon: 'Tis a tragedy.
Kyuhyun: . . . A romantic tragedy.
[Romantic music comes on. The lights fade as the characters freeze]
Heechul: And............CUT! It.... was.... Brilliant!!! I'M brilliant! *Snaps his fingers and Hankyung passes him a tissue* Alright everybody, great job! Everyone needs to be back here tomorrow at noon to re-run it!
[Everyone groans.]
Heechul: I can't wait for the opening night next week! *Turns to Yesung* See, wasn't that better than the drivel you wrote?
Yesung: . . .
Heechul: He fell asleep…
Hankyung: Well I liked it, hyung.
Heechul: Whatever, his opinion means nothing anyway. See you all tomorrow; I'm going to the spa! Hankyung!
[Hankyung follows Heechul as he exits up the center aisle, just as he had entered.]
[Kibum, Zhou Mi, Henry, Shindong, Eunhyuk, and Donghae step out from the wings.]
Ryeowook: Anyone else think this play is going to be a disaster?
[Everyone raise their hands in silent agreement. All except for Yesung, who is still sleeping.]
Ryeowook: Right…. That’s what I thought. . . .
**Sorry for this. Lol. I couldn’t resist. Iwill have part 9 of Aladdin up tomorrow! >.<
*** Oh, and no offense whatsoever to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet! I LOVE that play! XD