Jan 10, 2006 21:47
The rules: If you get tagged, you must post an entry listing 5 or more "weird habits" that you possess. Then you must pick 5 more people to tag, and list their names at the end of the entry.
I'm kinda OCD bout a lot of things....i had trouble chosing five. so now you get to know just how weird i really am! (or as kara would say "look at me! i'm a freeeeak!"
1. I eat my M&Ms by color. Yellow, orange, red, green, blue, brown. i wont eat them otherwise. I always eat foods in a certain way or order.
2. I can't go anywhere without a purse... i feel completely nakid! My purse must match what I'm wearing... even if i'm running really late - if i notice i have my black purse and i'm wearing brown shoes i'll run and switch all my stuff from one purse into the other to match.
3. I agree with Mary... all my money has to face the same way. I just cant have them facing different ways!
4. I always pull up my tights 24/7 in ballet because i HATE when they bag at the knees. although this sometimes results in holes in my tights, i just can't handle them bagging on me!
5. My room is soooo messy... but everything is in organized piles around my room. i know where everything is...in their certain pile. then one day i get this huge complusion to clean and my room is spotless...for a short time, only for the process to repeat itself.
6. I CANT use blue ink. I only use pencils for drawing, meaning i only use black ink. if i dunt have a pen, and the only extra pen people hav are blue, i just wont take the notes. When people use blue and black ink together it drives me crazy.... even in the same notebook. My whole notebook is in black ink. (duh)
7. I have to go online every night before i go to bed. i get in very intense routines that i dont like changing. even if i have no need or desire to go online i will just because that is what i do every night.
8. I can't sit still as many of you may have noticed. I seem to be very ADD and hyperavtive and my dad told me to get tested haha. when i'm "sittin still" im always either bouncin my leg, writing, drawin, online or playin sudoku haha.
9. my eating patterns are also pretty weird. i'll eat the same thing basically every day. i go through weird faces. like, for awhile i would basically only eat lean pockets. right now its 100 calorie packs and reduced fat wheat thins. and notice i hav a cookie every day for lunch. i guess i just dont like change... i'll eat the same thing every day for a month, maybe two or three, god knows maybe a year, and then suddenly switch and stop eating that completely and begin my next eating pattern
10. This sounds worse than it is... i have to go on the scale everyday. i cant remember the last morning i havnt. i've just been doin it ever since i remember and feel the need to first thing every morning. prob also a dancer thing.
11. I have to do my situps every night before i go to bed. One night i tried to skip them and i couldn't fall to sleep.
Well...thats enough sharing for one day! now you people think i'm even weirder than you already did....... o well. i'm weird. i'm ovr it.
And I tag...
+ Tiffy
+ Tashie
+ Kaitlin
+ Kara (if you ever update again!)
+ Jeff (maybe 2 months ltr. lol)
anywho, i found this and thought it kinda described me.
Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. spazzy at times. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking (in ballet). No difficulties in studying (ok, lie). Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. HOT (lie). Waits for friends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressive unless provoked. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover.
yea. ok. i don't feel like an actual update.
<3 jen