Feb 23, 2011 20:31
yep still got it...im really just writing this due to the fact that my ex wife er or soon to be ex wife rather, i cant say the other yet, i know bummer. anyway i was reading her post under the name aikouikarisu i doubt i spelled that right but i don't really care. well a few things she said kinda pissed me off, 1 was that she was dissing my writing skills and grammar usage, look i know im not a "scholar" but i don't care about that, look that's why i have people proof read my stories, or post on here for you guys to read, its so that if any of you find a mistake you could tell me and i could correct it or you can tell me how. another thing jean, if your reading this cause i really hope you are, you started writing stories when eighth or tenth grade? well hate to burst your bubble but i have been writing stories since third grade, yeah and all my English teachers from third grade on said that i had the makings of a great writer because of my imagination and my creativity. like i told you all before im used to writing short stories stories that are about a couple of pages long, 'Tyrannosaurus Max' is like my actual first attempt at writing a novel, im going for somewhere around 25 or so chapters, but it could be more could be less. its hard for me to write cause i get all these ideas in my head and i like to sit down and plan a plot and characters in my head before i write to see if its a worthy idea for me to try and i like have hundreds of ideas a day.
to help out my grammar i have been reading a lot it started out with me reading a bunch of naruto fan fiction which led to reading spider-man books and that led to me reading series like i read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and now im reading the cirque du freak series im thinking, key word is thinking, of reading the Twilight series but i don't know yet. i might just go to Barnes and Noble or the library and see what stands out to me. if anyone has suggestions of series then let me know.
know to explain why the title repeat well read the first writer block suuuuuuuuuuuux's one and see. basically im doing this to get out of writers block. my story is still on the first chapter i haven't edited or added to it in like months so im sorry for the delays guys it will be out shortly. the prologue im going to re-upload that cause i made some changes to it and i want you all to see the final part of it. now i ask please don't copy my story that's why im just putting like the first chapter up next cause im afraid that someone will steal my idea so yea. i have had a lot on my mind and with all the other ideas that are flowing through my head i don't know when ill get back to writing the first chapter i just hope you guys like it and think that its worth the wait.
well that's all i wanted to say. woo i feel better now i needed that, lol. well like i said i will re-upload my prologue so you all will be able to enjoy it. my dream is for everyone to enjoy my ideas and see what i see in my head that's why i spend so much time describing things and people. that's so you all can see what i intended, they're a lot of stories out there that do not do that all that well and leaves readers wondering "what did he mean?" i wanna try to eliminate that. well talk to you all later.
writers block sucks