May 14, 2009 14:04

God, I haven't posted in so long. RL has taken most of my time, that and a punk arse internet that I could gladly cause bodily harm to. I've tried to keep up I really have.

Anyhoo, I haven't caught up much, but when I did I have noticed that a lot  of ?????? that I don't know and who friend me for no reason and many in a language I can't read anyway and it sorta creeps me out a little.

I mean it isn't as I am all that damn interesting anyway lol   I am happy with my jolly little band of cute and cuddly flist so on that note, Friends only for the mo.

Though you lucky buggers get to keep me....even if you don't want to

I should add I guess that if you really really can't live without me as a friend, comment and I will add you :)

friends only. update

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