I'm surfacing for a few moments to make a very important dedication of love and appreciation.
I want to wish my dearest Deedra Darling the happiest of birthdays!!!
I'm sorry for you all, to not know this woman.
But I hope you will send a birthday blessing, just the same. I wouldn't be here, as I am, without her.
Deedra Darling,
You have made my life here warm, safe, comforting, funny, friendly, welcoming, joyous, full, easy...well, easIER, you've brought me happiness.
You've given me strength and hope from those first desperate hours.
From those desolate times of confusion and despair while I was balled up, rolling in physical pain, and mental anguish.
From miles away, you offered a gift. The first of many; you gave me options and the gift of trust. I needed to know the power you held and you showed me easily. It was the power of enduring love and openness.
You've protected me, encouraged me, veiled me, guided me and countless other things that I'm sure I'll never know of or understand.
But I want you to know that I do understand you've given of yourself in ways only a sister could.
You chose to open your heart to me, when you had no need or reason. You reached your heart and hands out to me. Not only did you reach, but you opened. You opened your arms and enfolded me, held me, rocked me, stood me up, turned me around and pushed me toward all that I needed to do for myself; all, when I needed them.
Knowing you has changed my life. But my friendship with you has changed ME.
Your support has carried me through things I couldn't have done on my own.
Your companionship has pulled me through things I didn't want to face, and encouraged me to find hope in my own future. You became the face I did not want to disappoint. The place I wanted to find praise. I could see my own growth reflected in our friendship. Thank you for your introduction to "tough love", the education is much appreciated.
I am so blessed to have you in my life.
I hope I am so lucky to keep you there, for many of your birthdays in the future.
My love and adoration,