Dark of night....

Apr 14, 2003 22:15

I sit in the dark of night,and I can still see your face.The only trace of love that once was,and was the only thing that made sence of all the comfusion in the world.But as all good things do,they come to an end.Why we don't know sometimes.We think that we know but,sometimes you just can't tell whats real and whats in your head,and whats the truth and whats the lie.....Those are the questions that haunt us at night,and make us loose sleep,tose and turn in our beds,and our minds,and souls....Will we ever know whats really going on.Why some of us have love so easy,and some it seems never can...Why some don't care,and some care so much that our hearts break every day,over and over.Like an open wound that never heals.And some never look back.They go from one person to another...And some only care about them selves....
Will we every figure out this mystery called life???Will we every be truly happy.....Or will we just settle for the best we think we can get because we are affraid to take a chance on the unknown...Will we ever be satisfied with what we have,who we love,where we are,and even who we are???
I long to wake up out of this darkness.To feel the warm sunshine on my face,and in my heart .From the inside out....Is this happiness?????
I sit in the dark of night,and I can still see your face.The only trace of love that once was,and was the only thing that made sence of all the comfusion in the world.But as all good things do,they come to an end......
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