LSAT Stress: The Worries of a College Student

Sep 21, 2014 13:09

Yeah so this post is full of complaining and the woes of a college student; you've been warned.

So next Saturday (September 27th) I will be taking my LSAT (the test I need to take in order to get into Law School). I've been studying since June and I'm FREAKING OUT!!! I'm good with the Logical portions and the Reading Portion, and the Essay part is just a matter of skilled Bullshit Writing, but the Analytical portion is gonna be the death of me....GOD DAMN YOU FUCKED UP LOGIC GAMES!!!!! (yes, the LSAT has a whole section that's logic games....shoot me now...). But anyway, now I'm not only freaking out about the LSAT, but writing my College thesis (maybe on women's involvement in marriage contracts in Early Modern Europe), getting into Law school then doing good there then passing the dreaded Bar Exam....THE HORROR!!!!!

So yeah, sorry for rambling, but I needed to vent.

life of a college student, ranting

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