Aug 29, 2004 12:11
ive been a bad, bad girl.
i havnt updated.
i've been reading other people's ljs instead of updating. hah. sorry guys, im sure this is all you have for entertainment.
i havnt been doing my summer reading.
i've been reading other people's smutty fanfics instead of doing my summer reading.
nezi's gone to holland for the school year so that sorta sucks.
i hate telling people(/guys) i dont like them but it's gonna have to be done.
i havn't got together with friends.
except i did see people again at that triple birthday party the other day. that was fun but awkward cuz i hadnt seen anybody from school all summer. also i saw some of my ex-GUS and we had a good time catching up.
tried a new horse. nobody can match up to tanner but he's good.
this fall for sports im dont an individual option instead of soccer and riding instead. im psyched for that cuz i got big things coming up and i don't have to be so damn stressed! yay!
thats all that i can think of right now. just thought i'd let you know i was still alive, thats all...
p.s. should i keep my dates in 1970 or should i catch up to normal time?