And for some fucking reason I can't figure out, this image is NOT loading. That sucks and ruins the story.
That was too funny to pass up. I carry my little Sony Cybershot with me all the time. I am always finding odd, funny, way cool and plain stupid things in the real world. Odd thing is I see Lexus, BMW, Caddies, all sorts of rather expensive cars in the parking lot all the time. So what is it? They have to shop here to afford the car payments or they are just wanting to spend less on what we all need. Laundry soap, food, socks and any other item we need to get by in this society.
I know Wal-Mart is either a hate it or you love it place. The way I see it is the economy caused WallyWorld to be. Low wages, high housing costs. Look at the gas prices! Seems to me if you aren’t willing to drive less, you’ll be spending less on your necessities.
I shop at Wally’s, sure. I don’t make tons of money, I drive an economy car, I even ride a bike or walk the 1.3 ( Wally’s is across the street from my job site ) miles to work at least 3 times a week now. I am lucky to live close to job and shopping, I don’t really use much fuel. It’s a trade off for having a job that uses a lot of fuel. I do feel bad about that sometimes, but if I wasn’t getting these kids to school, even though I am a small bus, there would be added cars and emissions more than what my one little bus does. Imagine that same thing with a school bus carrying 65-75 students?
I suppose it’s better with the buses. Is it?
Still not showing, damn it.