The Squirrel P2 Queue Report

Feb 13, 2007 01:39

The writers told David Hewlett that his lines were not techno babble, but pure gold.
This queue report however is not gold, it's mercury and as such is toxic.
Please read this report in moderation.
And should you get any symptoms such as tremors, insomnia and hallucinations,
please stop reading and call your doctor.
You have been warned.

This queue report is brought to you by Borgteddy, KDJ and Muffin.
(And of course BorgTeddy, Rodney bear and Grant Bear. We could not have done this without you)
The I in this report is Borgteddy (which is me also known as 2of7).
Sometimes in this report BorgTeddy is mentioned (note the extra capital)
BorgTeddy is my borgteddy bear and not me.

No squirrels were permanently harmed during the writing of this report (we think)
If you think we were, please let us know.

This report has been beta-read by Muffin. (although I did alter stuff after she read it, so she can't be blamed for any mistakes)
Photo’s are from KDJ and Borgteddy.


Today started with a queue like all good conventions.
We took a cab to Heathrow and then the tube to Covent Garden for the screening of A Dog's Breakfast.
Then we queued at the theatre for 2 hours.
Now the story splits up.
I went to the first screening.
and I laughed and laughed and laughed.

And some other people waited some more for the second screening.

Then I joined the queue again and went in for the second screening with the rest. It was just as funny, except I started laughing a few seconds before everybody else. So my friend sitting next to me knew exactly when something funny was happening, since I was already laughing before it happened.
Muffin amazed us all by asking a question. We were so proud :)
She asked: What was your favourite scene in the film or the one you were most pleased with? For the answer you can read Muffins ADB report.

11 of us left to go to pizza hut.
By the time we left and returned to Heathrow we got to 20 people and plastered the walls of the underground with ADB leaflets.
Mars rules supreme :)
Then we got to the hotel where we fell asleep exhausted.

We queued again.
And then they told us we were queuing in the wrong place.
Everybody ran and some people got crushed. Muffin was one of the casualties.
Somehow they didn’t realise that 75 photo tickets for 500 fans would not be enough. Silly people.
Apparently David is quite popular. Who knew? Well, we all did of course.

Meet and Greet.
Chuck showed up. A pleasant surprise.
We formed a bond with Jane's Dad, before he was whisked away for a cup of tea. He is really lovely. He said poor David was suffering from food poisoning, but he suffered on for his fans.
A true Squirrel :)

party.: lot's of con-dancing and we couldn't go to our table anymore, because there were people making out. (no we didn’t take pictures of that. :P )
The party ended at 2.30 and then we started the Queue.
I got my lappy and we watched Vengeance.

Although KDJ watched it with her eyes closed and fingers in her ears and we still managed to spoil stuff.
Then they turned the lights off. We think they were hinting we should leave. We resisted, but it was futile.
So we hid on the landing until they went
Then watched McKay and mrs Miller.We got to about halfway and they chucked us out.
Then we went to the hotel lobby we queued from a distance.
We went online (We put 1 pound in an internetmachine) and posted on the ADB-forum because geeks can't stay away from the internet for more then 24 hours or we go into McKay type withdrawal.
And we replied to our own post because no one else was there.

After that we had 30 seconds left and we wanted to reply again, but we were too slow :(

And now its 5.25 and we are in the lobby typing this thing.
We will stop for now.
We are the Queue.
Even though we are sitting in a circle.
And we are getting funny looks from the people at reception.
And we're not sure when Friday ended and Saturday began.

We've left the lobby and queued outside.
The normal people are still in bed.
We saw a cleaning person inside and asked if we could queue inside since it was warmer there.
So we inside and realised that it really wasn't that much warmer.
Now we are sitting on the cold marble.
The carpet is only 5 feet away, but can't sit on the carpet because we're not allowed past the scanning machine.
We will probably get piles now.
we look at the carpet with longing, it looks so warm and fuzzy.
We appear to be very giggly this morning. We think this could be because of sleep deprivation. but we haven't slept.
We just realised that giggling was also a symptom of hypoxia.
We lost Muffin.
We think she’s gone into the men’s toilet.
She went in there to check if she has piles on her feet.
Is anybody still reading this?

There are now 11 people in the queue.
It's growing fast, as are the piles.
We’ve come to the conclusion that we either have hypoxia or it's the fumes from the airplanes.
That could be it, couldn’t it?
There is a green light.
We think we are in a wraith ship now.

We are really looking forward to the David on David photo shoot.
Although we would not know quite sure where we would fit.
Borgteddy has gone to ask if we are able to upgrade to carpet level but unfortunately she has had to walk on the carpet to do so! These Dutch are such rebels!

I'm back again. The cleaners have disappeared and didn't tell us. We could have been sitting on the carpet minutes ago.
But we've moved now and are sitting next to the door. We aren't moving until we get the VQ tickets.
we are 1,2 and 3. (we didn’t get the tickets untill later, but here is what they looked like. Yep, we took pictures of our virtual Queue tickets)

KDJ is putting the ADB poster on the wall.
We feel much much better sitting on the carpet.
Muffin can't move and is dead.
But she is still talking as always.
The queue is around the corner now, but we don't care.

We want to upgrade to seats inside now, but we don't think we're allowed.
There is a wheelchair.
Maybe we could sit in that.
Or we could faint from womanly hunger.
It could work, because we haven't eaten or slept or drunk.
KDJ still cannot say slartibartfast.
Hark, is that a squirrel I see on the horizon?
No it isn't.
And the walls are just as uncomfortable as ever.
This is a note for Muffin's mum.
It is now 6 am, and she is still awake.
We have also decided to put this on a website for your displeasure.
Even though we've not purchased a site yet at the time I'm writing this.

KDJ is pimping pills to Muffin. (It’s not what you were thinking. It was ProPlus. Unless that was what you were thinking in which case you were correct)
She is feeling like the 4400 (an episode with Kavan) and all the men are hormonal.
Kavan said something along the line of : the cafeteria staff may be plotting, but I'm not sure where it is.

We are plotting on how to keep the rest of the group out of the convention.
We thought about creating our own vq tickets.
Muffins tummy is rumbling.
We haven't eaten in days.
We are verging on a hypoglycaemic reaction and are fading fast.
Muffin feels she may faint... pass out.
I like muffins shoes.
The are Grant shoes :)
Muffin is now regretting staying up, but she will do it tonight anyway.
(she will sleep later today, but I won't cause I'm insane)
We are still giggling like mad people.

We’re getting funny looks from the people in the rest of the line.

Aaron Douglas was still up at 3, but being a lightweight went to bed soon after.
Nothing matches the squirrels staying power.
I just slapped muffin.
She is having sleepy thoughts.
She can't even read anymore, but we're not sure she could in the first place.

Queuing time so far: 7 hours and counting.

Muffin is scratching her leg now.
Earlier she complained that this whole thing is about her.
but she keep saying things and telling me to write it down.
so it's all her fault. not mine.
I'm sweet and innocent :)
Suddenly everybody goes quiet.
Why doesn't anybody ever believe me when I say I'm sweet and innocent.
We had a long discussion about Chuck and Campbell beans.
And what Chucks last name in the show should be. Muffin thought of Norris and then wondered if Chuck Norris was an actual person or not. I told her he was. She thought he was a character on Coronation Street. She didn’t believe me untill someone else also told her that Chuck Norris was an acutal person. Definitely not as cool as our Chuck obviously, but then again no Chuck is as cool as our Chuck is.

Muffin is eating a stroopwafel
The battery is running out now.
I have to quit for now.
We're crying with laughter.
We write more when I've recharged the battery.

 Stayed in the queue, sacrificed breakfast to stay in the queue and we took turns showering and Muffin didn't get to shower, but Chuck still hugged her.
Muffin needed 4 people to put milk in her tea (and BorgTeddy stirred her tea)
On to the Q and A as opposed to the Queue.
there were lots of questions and answers.
Dan was very Dan. He told us about being buried alive with fake dirt and nearly dieing, but it worked out in the end and he held his breath for almost 3 minutes.
and he told us about a ratchet stunt. This man has a dangerous job.
and he had lots of other stories.
Then Ryan Robbins came on next and Dan picked him up.
Then unfortunately we had to leave to do our photo shoots, but it was Dan, so it was ok.
I was very,very lucky to have a ticket for the Hewlett group picture and I wanted Jane in the picture too and she did :)
Then there were the photo shoots with Kate and David.

The Chuck Photo shoot: (the one where I look like an insane woman, Muffin was trying to play coy, but was found out when Chuck asked her if she wanted a hug and she nearly bit his hand off and KDJ practically jumped into his arms) Muffins tactic was to blink at the vital moment. It worked and she got to go again. This time Chuck didn't even bother to ask.

Kate's talk:
We missed the beginning of it as we were with Chuck. but we ran back and collapsed.
Kate was looking lovely, she was radiant.
It's impossible to take a bad picture of her, unlike us.
Someone asked her what she what do if she were David for a day.
Her immediate reply was: hair transplant.
We told her she was mean, but she said it was the only way she had of getting back at him for all the things he said about her.
Someone mentioned that every time they met David he was ill and that Kate seemed so much healthier.
Then Kate told us she had a weird allergy to apples and maybe wheat, which is bad because she's a vegetarian and now she's surviving only on cheese. (which is probably slightly healthier then us surviving on Malteser cake)
She was asked a question in Italian and she admitted that despite having been an Italian teacher, she didn't know what it meant.
And the only line she knows in Spanish is; There are no ambulances and there are no wounded either. A very useful phrase for everyday use.

Then David's talk :) :)
Muffin and KD missed half of it, because they had to queue for a David photo shoot on Sunday (I didn't because I already had my photo with David and thought should have a chance to have one too)
They were so glad they queued all night, because they got a lovely view of the car park! We could tell you lot's about it, but you should have been there for it. (only joking ;)

Someone wanted to know how Jane's dad reacted to Jane marrying an actor.
David had asked Jane's dad for permission to marry Jane 6 months before he asked her.
He had wanted to ask Jane when were on holiday, but they couldn't get a holiday planned and that's why it took so long before he asked her.
A German fan gave him a lemon.
He told us he was allergic to pineapple and when he first moved out on his own, he showed his independence by eating a fresh pineapple and having to call his dad because his throat was closing up and his dad told him to go to hospital.
We should probably have more here, but you'll have to read a proper con report for that.
I had the last question and asked if David would sing. but he wouldn't :(

Autograph session part 1.
Muffin: Erin signed the hat (she thought it was cool)
Kate signed special Mars footprint on the ADB picture and then she signed on her arm because she said it made it look less fat (she's not fat at all)
Then I wanted to have Chuck sign the hat on the peak, because he rocks but he wanted to be the first one to sign on the side.
Then I went to see Aaron and David N. DN was impressed we queued all night and thought the hat was cool.
And then David. I had too many items and had too spread them with other people.
And then KD told David that we met because of him and we are all friends. And then Vicky said that I did Ramblers and he said I love you and I said I love you too and then he signed on the picture Thanks for rambling.
And then on the last picture David wrote: Leave me alone! Lot's of love, David. (he has a lovely smile. I was entranced)
then Ryan signed the cap right on the back where nobody else was, so if I wore the cap back to front, he was the cool logo.
The End.

KDJ stood and watched as poor Kate ate her dinner. There is no rest for the wicked, but her chips looked nice. She wrote I love him on my poster of Mars.
Chuck seemed to remember me, but I don't know why. This is very worrying.
David came next. He said he loved the ADB t-shirts designed by Muffin and said he had seen them on the site.
He was not so impressed with the Brokeback Mountain picture of McKay and Beckett which Paul had signed 'Help me'.
He also commented on how Paul liked to sign: kiss, hug and that he was a girl. (Not that we're trying to start trouble ;) )
Ryan signed my poster, Katie, Katie, Katie. But he is insane.
David N was very impressed with the fact we had queued all night and got numbers 1,2 and 3. He appears to be almost as geeky as us. We love him too.
Aaron seemed less then impressed. He accused me of spending the night with a guy picked up at the con. we'll leave it there as this is a family report.

Dial or No dial. This is where Muffin left us. She left the room because something good was going to happen and she went to watch Casualty instead.
KD sat on the floor and I upgraded to a chair.
During dial no dial the contestant asked her friend to pick a number (this was 250 pound, the second highest amount) Then she asked Ryan to pick a number.
It turned out to have 1p in it. Then she asked Dan Payne to pick a number and he picked the box having the 500 pound (the highest amount)
Dan gave the contestant all of his photo's signed and a calendar because he felt sorry about picking the box with the 500 pound.
Later there were 3 boxes. One with 50 - 100 or 200 pounds for someone to win. Ryan got to pick a box and that box had the 200 pound in it. (I want him to pick my lottery numbers next time)

While waiting for the costume contest Aaron, Dan and Ryan entertained us with stories, non of which we can tell here, because we're keeping this report PG. One of the stories involved Dan and an orange unitard, but like we said earlier, we can't tell you about it. You'll have to ask him about it next time you see him.

Costume contest: KDJ sat on the floor so she could film her friends who were dressed as Doctor Who and Dave the Dalek.

And also Atlantis in Peril.

We have prime position on David's video. We hope we're not too frightening. The costume contest were fantastic. Most of the guests turned up to judge.

Along with Jane's dad, who is our new hero (David is sooooooo yesterday).

Then it was time to prepare for the party. There was much con-dancing with Aaron, Dan, Ryan, Chuck Kate and David N staying late. Unfortunately we couldn't because our brains were leaking out of our heads and we had to get up early to queue of course. Muffin was taken to bed a bit earlier because she couldn't remember where she was or why she was there. KDJ stayed until nearly 2 this was her version of an early night. I left a little before that.

Sunday After about 3 hours of sleep (5 for Muffin) we were back in the queue. The cleaning person kicked us out in to the cold, but took pity on us and allowed us to sit on the marble inside (again).
This was when we started the virtual queue for the virtual queue. We had much insane ramblings about teddy bears (Grant and BorgTeddy were there)

And there will be a special squirrel section in the BorgTeddy fan club. We are now sitting in the queue waiting for David and Kate's talk at 10 (only 2 more hours to go) and we would like to apologize for our post on the forum. We hope David hasn't read it, (he thinks we're crazy enough as it is).
Queuing time so far. 18 hours.

Q and A's:
Since I didn’t have photo shoots today I could go to all the Q and A's.
They were really great, I just can't remember much of them anymore. You'll have to read other peoples reports for that, or get the con dvd.
Here are some of the things I do remember:
Kate was still sleepy because she stayed up until 5 am (we'll make a con person of you yet)
David teased her about this and Kate didn't improve her situation by saying she wasn't alone, but with a group of people.
Ryan was pacing too much. The cameramen were getting sea sick. So some of the crew came on stage and duct taped his feet to the ground. And for about 2 minutes he managed to stay in one spot. But not even Duct Tape is powerful enough to hold Ryan in place.
He was also asked about the Genii home office and he said the Genii could be so much better then the people on Atlantis if only they had the same stuff. If they had more stuff, stuff would be much better. So that was his plan for the Genii, get more stuff.

This should have been yesterday after David's talk.
I left right after his talk and thought I'd missed it. I was very happy about that.
But as it turned out, they moved the auction to today :(
I was ok for the first few items, but then they got to a signed autograph of David.
The bidding got higher and higher and Aaron promised that the winner would get a hug from David with the photograph.
When the bidding was at about 220, David walked on stage and held the picture. :)

The bidding continued and I won the item at 375 pounds.
(again there was nobody that tied my hands to the chair and duct tape me to prevent me from bidding) I will of course tell people that I got the picture only to support Doctors without borders and that getting a hug from David had nothing to do with it. But I'm getting the same looks as when I tell people I'm sweet and innocent.
As the auction continued more and more actors joined David on stage.
The last item up for auction was a signed picture of David and Kate. The bidding started slow but took off when 2 girls (who knew each other) started bidding against each other. They were across the room from each other and as the bid got higher things started to get ugly. There was much name calling and things like: How can you do this to me! You know how much this means to me! I hate you! and much much more. I think in the end someone else won the item.

Autograph session (part 2)
We weren't allowed to bring bags into the autograph room, but I could because I brought stroopwafels for all the guests. Everybody loved them. (now hopefully people will get addicted to them and they will have to come to the Netherlands for more *evil grin*)
I gave Kate some chewing sticks for her cats (mine love them and I hope hers will too)
Dan Payne signed his calendar (if you don't have one yet, buy one) and gave me a hug.
Chuck misspelled my name (even though it was on a post-it) Someone from Wolf took the picture to have it cleaned. While I waited for my picture to come back I talked to Jane.
After Chuck signed my picture again (right this time) I joined the queue to get David's signature.
I gave David the rest of the stroopwafels and a Duck toy for Mars.
We were only allowed 4 signatures per person :(
Fortunately some of my friends wanted less then 4 signatures from David and so they took some of my pictures to be signed by him. On some he wrote Love again and on one: Enough allready.
Unfortunately one of my signatures got smudged. The wolf people took it away to be cleaned and while I waited for that I talked to Jane some more. She also signed the photo shoot picture :)
And she wrote down her birthday in my Dan calendar and also David’s, Kate’s and Paul’s. Unfortunately that’s when Brian discovered me and he kicked me out of the autograph room.
That’s when the waiting started for the autograph session to be over so I could have my hug with David
(the one that came with my picture)
Fortunately I didn’t have to wait alone. After a few hours I joined the end of the queue. When I got in the autograph room everybody (except David) had finished signing. Ryan and Kate were still in the room and so I asked them if they would have their picture taken with BorgTeddy. And they said yes.

And then I joined the queue again. Finaly the wait was over and it was my turn again.
David appolgised about the fact that I had to wait untill the end of the autograph session to get my hug, but I told him I didn’t mind the waiting at all. (and I really didn’t. It was well worht waiting for) and he thanked me for the donation to Doctors without Borders.After this amazing hug David posed for a picture with BorgTeddy.

(Jane had posed earlier and so had her dad :) )

And after that he and Jane left. (probably to get some sleep as David was really tired. I mean who wouldn’t be after signing non stop from 16.45 untill 22.00).

Total squirrel queuing time 25 hours.

Party It was partytime again. There was con-dancing again and lots of exchaning of e-mail adresses with new friends met during the con. Chuck was at the party and had his picture taken with almost everybody there (I think) When I talked to him he said he was leaving in 20 minutes. We talked for about 30 and he said he had to go as soon as he said goodbye to some other people. After about 1.30 hour Chuck passed us again and said he was really leaving this time. (of course Chuck, we believe you)
30 minues later he was still talking to people :). I wonder if he ever left the party.

Monday morning
For the first time this weekend I’m having breakfast. And it’s not bad. After breakfast its time to pack it all up and leave. There is lots of hugging in the lobby of the hotel. The con is over. No more queuing…. Untill the next con that is.
You have now reached the end of this queue report.
I hope it has not driven you insane.
But if it has don’t suffer from your insanity,enjoy it.
I know I do :)

a dog's breakfast, squirrels, convention, p2, report

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