i'm sorry, you're right. you're new to lj and it wasn't cool of me to post anonymously, you probably havent had a taste of all the drama that goes on. anyhow, you don't know me. but i had a heart attack when i read your entries because your lj is linked to this one guys' lj, this guy who i was really mad at because i thought HE had been posting anonymously on MY lj. i thought he was screwing with my head again because its just a huge coincidence, really the HUUUUGEST coincidence, that all of our ljs are linked. because i've had lunch with your dad. he was the one who told me all about you.
um, i don't think you understand. i know your dad in real life, which freaked me out a little because your lj is connected to someone i had friended, someone who i thought was giving me a hard time with anonymous comments too. it's ok though, i can see that this is all just a coincidence. and i don't know about your dad's screenname. he doesn't look to me like the kind of guy who would take to livejournal.
he told me all about you and your brothers. he talks about you guys a lot. i just pieced it all together about who you were, through your lj. i'm actually thinking that its pretty amazing that i stumbled across this journal and that i recognized who was writing it. lj is sososo big when you think about it, its just the weirdest thing.
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