Dec 06, 2009 23:51
We've reopened and it's the same as before, only it's not and it's exhilarating and enfuriating and terrifying and a million other things ending in 'ing' and i cant help but start grinning whenever the fact that i'm not working FOR anyone (rather, WITH) pops into my fickle mind.
The regulars are all back, back to their complaining ways and standard orders and then there's the new people just wandering off the street and thats the best part because before they were just getting sparse, but now TLC is sparkly (not really) and new and smells of fresh paint still and it's big and breezy and beautiful and it's like moths to flame, people can see it now, which apparantly was the issue before. It's kinda sad losing that anonimity that came with hiding between and empty corner shop and a half arsed run of nick knack stores. It's new, and it's mine (ours, ours.) My sister called from Wales where she's on effing holiday and asked if we did take outs ten minutes after we opened, cheeky. I can't get annoyed though. It's like someone's got toothpics pinning my mouth up in a permanent smile. Even everyone asking what TLC stands for couldn't upset the mood.
Perhaps if I had a definite answer it wouldn't shit me so much, but it's open to discussion,
Even Bernie's in the mood, she's dancing. back and forth on her perch, bobbing her head up and down. Usually i'd be dancing along but my head can't handle rough work right now, not after going out with Dajve, fuuuuuuuuuuuck i almost couldn't get up. Always a good sign of the night before when you can barely move, right?
But It's good right now.
Everything fit into place rather nicely by the end, which is all i could have hoped for.
Now, where are those flaming comets set out to destroy everything?
happy for now,
it's all good strangely,
dancing dajve,
tlc stands for...?,