Title: Called You Friend
Author: the_arc5
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Rating: R
Warnings: Language, some sexual content, slash.
Summary: The Enterprise is sent to deal with a situation, and one of their own is taken. But this is not where the story begins.
Author's Notes: First of all, this fic is dedicated to my talented and hard-working beta, [info]amaberis. None of this would have happened without her. The mistakes that remain are all mine. Secondly, a word on technicalities like stardates: I did my best, with assistance from Memory Alpha, but I also made a lot of stuff up. With stardates especially, I followed the grand TOS tradition of just stringing numbers together. As the number gets higher, more time has passed; that's about as technically accurate as I can be.
Part OnePart TwoPart ThreePart FourPart Five The Fanmix