LJ cut below, but its long, like entire pages of non moving text.
I read too much and think about history. I dont we were taught much in school.
School and media want us to believe the americans and brits that defeated Hitler during WW2. Actually 80% of german casualties happened on the eastern front. The russians fought the lions share. It wasnt until the red army has the nazis on the run did we land in Normandy.
I think I know why. American corporations were invested heavily in the nazis. This is no big seceret (Ford Motor Company). Even Henry ford wrote a book "The international Jew: the foremost threat". I dont think we invaded to defeat the nazis. I think we were there to keep europe from falling into Communist hands. I think the grab for german technology was also important.
SO the capitalist/communist cold war started during WW2.
I often wondered why, if the russians were are allies in defeating Hitler why our relations were so cold.
Back to the point, the americans were similar to the germans. I really dont think we were the nazi enemy until we figured out..
1) Europe would fall into communist hands
2) Russia would aquire the spoils of war
3) We could become heros to the world just learning about the holocaust
and now today History is repeating itself.
Fascism (in Italian, fascismo), capitalized, refers to the right-wing authoritarian political movement which ruled Italy from 1922 to 1943 under the leadership of Benito Mussolini. The word fascism has come to mean any system of government resembling Mussolini's, that
exalts nation and sometimes race above the individual,
uses violence and modern techniques of propaganda and censorship to forcibly suppress political opposition,
engages in severe economic and social regimentation.
engages in corporatism,[1]
(The last one has America written all over it, corporations have more power in government than people do)
a key distinguishing feature of fascism is that it uses a mass movement to attack the organizations of the working class: parties of the left and trade unions (sounds familiar)
Seeking to find some principle to compete with and replace the Marxist doctrine of class struggle, Rerum Novarum urged social solidarity between the upper and lower classes, and endorsed nationalism as a way of preserving traditional morality, customs, and folkways. (no shit, right here in america)
Fascism was, to an extent, a product of a general feeling of anxiety and fear among the middle class of postwar Italy. This fear arose from a convergence of interrelated economic, political, and cultural pressures. Under the banner of this authoritarian and nationalistic ideology, Mussolini was able to exploit fears regarding the survival of capitalism in an era in which postwar depression, the rise of a more militant left, and a feeling of national shame and humiliation stemming from Italy's 'mutilated victory' at the hands of the World War I postwar peace treaties seemed to converge. Such unfulfilled nationalistic aspirations tainted the reputation of liberalism and constitutionalism among many sectors of the Italian population. (liberals have a tainted reputation huh?)
Fascism, now and always, believes in holiness and in heroism.
A fascist government is usually characterized as "extreme right-wing,"
The project for a new american century declares "We aim to make the case and rally support for American global leadership."
If you read their statement of principals, its scary shit. Extremely facist ideas. Its easy to read between the lines at their political agenda.
This would not be possible if not for september 11th. Hitler is to Reichstag fire, as Bush is to September 11th. I feel like im the only american that gets this.
I could go on for several more hours.. how the patriot act is so similar to the enabling act in Germany .... but im giving up. Let history repeat itself. I'd be extremely suprised if a single american cared enough their country to even read and think to read this far.