Apr 13, 2004 19:49
i havent updated in some time on my journal mainly for the reason of me being away from my computer or any computer for a couple of weeks or so. but of course i've been writing stuff down. heres one thing i wrote about truth.
happy is the person who is taught by truth alone, not by figure and words that pass away, but as truth is in itself. we are often deceived by our own opinions and senses, and so we desern little by them. what good is it to dispute greatly about secret things that are hard to understand, when we will not be reproved on the day of judgment for things that we are ignorant about? it is foolish to neglect the things that are beneficial and necessary to us, and give our minds to things that arouse our interest and damageus... we have eyes but Cannot See!
and what have we to do with nature and all the things in it? He to whom that eternal Word speaks is delivered from a world of unnecessary thoughts. from the eternal Word are all things, and all things speak of Him; and He is the beginning, Who also speaks to us. without that Word no one understands or judges rightly. the person to whom all things are Him, who reduces all things to Him, and who sees all things in Him, enjoys a quiet mind and remains at peace in God.
o God, who is the truth, make me one with You in everlasting love. It is often tedious to me to read and hear many things: in You is all that I would have and can desire. Let all theologians hold their peace, let all creatures be silent in Your sight, speak alone to me.
the more you are at harmony within yourself and become inwardly simple, the more you will understand higher things without effort, for you will receive intellectual light from above. -Matt 11:25, Luke 10:21
a pure, sincere, and calm spirit is not distracted by doing many things, because it works all things to the honor of God; and since it is inwardly still and quiet, it does not seek to satisfy itself in anything it does. what, indeed, hinders and troubles you more that undisciplined desires of your own heart? Good and godly people arrange within themselves ahead of time those things that they must do. not being moved in keeping with the guidance of right reason.
who struggles more that those who strive to overcome themselves? this should be my endeavor: to conquer myself, and daily to grow stronger and to make a further growth in holiness.
every perfections in this life has some imperfection mixed with it, and none of our knowledge is without some darkness. a humble knowledge of yourself is a surer way to God than an involved intellectual search after learning. yet learning is not to be condemned, and the pure knowledge of something is not to be disliked. learning is good in itself and ordained by God, but a good conscience and a virtuous life should always be preferred before it. however, because many endeavors to get knowledge rather than live well, they are often deceived and get no or very little benefits.
if we put as much effort into rooting out our vices and implanting virtues as we do in trying to solve questions, there would not be so much hurt caused, or such disgraceful incidences in the world, or so much moral freedom practiced in religious organizations. truly, at the day of judgment we will not be examined for what we have spoken, but for how virtuously we have lived. tell me now, where are all those theologians and teachers that you knew so well and were so famous for their knowledge while they were alive? others have now taken their places and perhaps scarcely ever think about them. while they were alive they seemed to be important people, but now they are seldom mentioned.
oh, how quickly the glory of the world passes away - Ecc2:11. oh, that their life has been in keeping with their knowledge! - then their study and reading would have been worthwhile. there are many who perish because they care more about fruitless knowledge in this world than they do about serving God, (which i find myself doing often.) and because they choose to be great rather than humble, they therefore become futile in their thoughts.
those who are great in love are truly great
those who are little in themselves and do not care about being given honor are truly great.
those who count all earthly things as lost so that they may gain Christ are truly wise
those who do the will of God and forsake their own wills are truly wise