Feb 26, 2004 19:42
i saw the new movie by mel gibson called the passion of the christ. i must honestly say that i didnt see what i expected when i went last night on the opening night to see it. i was definitely impress with how realy it looked. of course there are some discrepencies in the historical accuracy of characters and a few minor accuracy in how Jesus was crucified. for example, in the movie he was nailed thru the palm of his hands, but historically when people are crucified they are always nailed right below the palm of the hand in the upper part of the wrist. If it was in the palm of the hand the nail would have ripped right thru the hand. But the palms being nailed is just being a symbol or whatever. It doesnt matter whether it was the palm or wrist, it's the fact that Christ was crucified. the best part is the fact that he rose from the dead. The most important part is that he died for us so that we may live, and if you dont understand that. I would love to explain it to you. Anyways. I say go see it.