Jun 18, 2005 21:44
bajsbajsbajsbajsbjasbajsbajs it means poo in sviidish and it'ts a VERY important word. Today i held a snail (snigel) and it crawled on my hand and left a trail of snail-slime. i liked that. My hot boy was cuttiung the grass NAKED (no only in my brain that is) in reality he was wearing dungarees and moonboots.
Then..........................................................................................................................................................................but i was like; whatEVER.................................and then..........................................TOTALLY wet..........................................................at least 7 times!!!!!!!!
But then we never found the tuba so it didn't work out quiet the way we planned exept for the part with the green sock (hilarious).
Emergency pushbikes to the left everybody, keep em coming ooooh yeah.
My new name is INDIANA. Beautiful.