is she smart, so well read; are there novels by her bed?

Oct 01, 2010 03:51

Oh-em-gee, you guys. After a month of um, doing nothing, I at last managed to type out 2,500 words of decent quality... at least until I reread them tomorrow and deem them utter trash. For now, however, we'll consider this a momentary success, and will celebrate by procrastinating on further productivity (i.e: posting this inconsequential announcement) and this random School Rumble gif.


The funniest anime I've seen in a while, though I guess you kinda have to know/understand shojou manga/anime in order to find this random crack of a series funny. Not so much because shojou manga/anime are that funny, but I tend to take this as a satire of the genre (in fact branching out, on occasion, to poke fun at other anime genres), where all the already exaggerated tropes are further exaggerated and made even less plausible but extremely hilarious. Still, despite all its randomness, it's not just a show that makes fun of other shows-- it has an actual story, an actual plot, with characters that, if you look past the purely comedic aspects, are actually fairly well developed, who are flawed but likable and whom you can feel for and root for, and who actually grow and mature as the series progresses. I'm incredibly sad the anime was canceled after two seasons. I think the biggest problem of the show is that it's main audience are the same bubble-headed girls who read/watch the soap operatish titles and can't really appreciate the satirical element of this particular series. They approach it as a serious romcom (if that isn't an oxymoron) and therefore find it too ridiculous/hard to understand the humor.

Anyway, I guess I better get back to writing. Or at least go to sleep. But before I do, here's another of one of the characters in a penguin suit. Why are they in a penguin suit, you ask?

Because it's awesome.

3 a.m. (i must be lonely), the grand project, writing, tv, completely inconsequential, blah blah blah, anime

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