(no subject)

Feb 14, 2012 19:49

The plan for tonight:

--leftover chicken
--Nightmare Next Door

Or something like that. To be honest, I don't really care that much about Valentine's Day one way or the other. It seems to be a pretty polarizing holiday; people either really like it or really hate it, often times the deciding factor being their relationship status at the moment. But really, Valentine's Day has as much to do with love and romance as Christmas does about the birth of Christ. As far as I'm concerned, it's really just a fun excuse to do something out of the everyday. Kinda like how St. Patrick's is a good excuse to dress in a green, shamrock theme ensemble, use Irish stock phrases, and get drunk.

Except I'm not really feeling it this year. I'm not sure why--probably because it's on a Tuesday. We had initially decided to go out to dinner to either Biba's or Boulevard Bistro, but after calling to make reservations back in mid-January, we found out both had been booked for the night for the last six months. Meh. I'm not really that disappointed, but eating at either restaurant was really the only thing I specifically wanted to do. I mean, going out after work and waiting an hour to two for a table at like, Outback or wherever else we routinely go to around here isn't my idea of appealing, and neither is fixing a fancy dinner at home which requires a lot of work. So I convinced the boyfriend to put off doing anything until the weekend and we're having a lazy night in.

But he did surprise me with a present, though.

Everything I love: a pretty box, a drawing pad, a pair of cute notebooks, a mug of cherry-only Starbursts, and an iTunes card. Not a bad night, if I do say so myself. :)

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